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 minIIS is the ONLY Web Server with Real - 项目摘要
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  • ffdshow
  • jasperreports
  • PoolMan
  • Air Traffic Controller
  • virtualdub-win
  • CppUnit
  • Apache-SSL-Jserv
  • FCK editor
  • Async Professional
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    minIIS is the ONLY Web Server with Real CGI Support (not WinCGI pattent). After whole days searching for a (free source) WWW Server with real CGI support, i found than only Windows Version of Apache2.0.48 do this. So, i decide to write my own minIIS with VB Features: Real CGI support It use direct Windows API (no WinSock Custom Control). A mini Web Site included and installed automatically during the installation. Easy parameters changing - Root Directory, CGI Directory, Port Number, Home Page, ....

    minIIS 只是一个Web服务器,支持真正的CGI(不是WinCGI 模式)。在网上搜索了一整天后,我发现只有Windows 版本的 Apache2.0.48 可以完成这一功能。所以我决定用VB来编写我自己的minIIS :Real CGI 。它直接使用Windows API(不是用WinSock 定制控件)。包括了一个小型Web站点,在安装时会自动安装好。可以方便地修改参数-Root目录,CGI目录,端口号,主页,等等
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=6769
    发布者: cbd007

    软件包 版本号 日期 本地下载
    1.0  1.0  2004-09-04 下载

    原始下载连接(国外) http://www.freevbcode.com/Source/003/minIISZip.zip

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