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    Fcron is a periodical command scheduler which aims at replacing vixie cron, so it implements most of its functionality. It does not assume that your system is running either all the time or regularly: you can, for instance, tell fcron to execute tasks every x hours y minutes of system uptime or to do a job only once in a specified interval of time. You can also set a nice value to a job, run it depending on the system load average, and much more.

    Fcron是一个定期命令调度程序,其目标是代替vixie cron,执行其大部分功能。它并不假设系统既不是一直也不是规则的运行。举个例子,你可以说fcron在系统正常运行时间的每x小时y分钟执行任务,或者仅仅在一个特定的时间间隔做一项工作。你也可以对设定一个非常好的值,依靠系统的平均负载或者更多条件来运行它。
    发布者: jomath

    软件包 版本号 日期 本地下载
    fcron  2.9.5  2004-09-15 下载

    原始下载连接(国外) http://fcron.free.fr/archives/fcron-2.9.5.src.tar.gz

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