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    4101. Word Seach Game/Game Creator - An application that allows you to easily generate word searches, save them, and play them. Some nice techniques demonstrated here for beginners, including use of MDI forms, random letter generation, and good UI design.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=3967

    4102. Yellow dog Updater, Modified - About:
    Yum (Yellow dog Updater, Modified) is an automatic updater and package installer/remover for RPM systems. It automatically computes dependencies and figures out what things should occur to install packages. It makes it easier to maintain groups of machines without having to manually update each one using rpm.



    4103. Scrolling Banners -- the MFC Way - Have you ever wanted to have a control on one of your applications that behaves like some of those internet banners?This type of thing is possible with the CBannerStatic class.

    你需要在应用程序中使用一个类似Internet广告横幅的控件吗?可以使用这个项目中的CBannerStatic 类来完成这一功能。
    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/staticctrl/BannerStatic.html 

    4104. sieve-php - sieve-php is a php class that implements MANAGESIEVE, a means to easily interact with a SIEVE Mail Filtering Server such as Cyrus\' timsieved, is a server side mail filter system integrated into Cyrus IMAP.

    sieve-php是一个PHP类,实现了MANAGESIEVE, 一种可以方便地和一个SIEVE邮件过滤器服务器交互的方式,如Cyrus的timsieved, 是一个服务器端的邮件过滤系统,可以集成到Cyrus IMAP中。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sieve-php/ 

    4105. Dropbear SSH Server - Dropbear is an SSH 2 server, designed to be usable in small memory environments.

    Dropbear SSH Server是一个SSH 2服务器,设计为在小内存环境中使用。
    来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/dropbear/?topic_id=44%2C87 

    4106. Unistats Server Stats Engine - Detailed server monitoring and player stat tracking, using a SQL database for longterm/cumulative storage.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/q3serverstats/ 

    4107. Create SQL System DSN Through Registry E - This code will create a "System DSN" that connects to SQL server. Actually there are two project files in the ZIP. One creates an automatic (hard coded) System DSN when you click the create button. (See the PleaseRead.txt file) The other is set up so that you must enter the information before it will create it.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=3369 

    4108. Using Placeable Metafiles: Save and Conv - In same circumstances, developers need to write applications with graphics file export of its own drawings. A common case of graphical export is the Windows metafile (wmf), bitmap, and few other standard raster formats, such as tiff, jpeg, and png.

    使用可放置的图元文件: 保存并且转换到HBITMAP和光栅格式

    在相同情况下,开发者需要开发一些输出自己绘图的应用程序。一个通常的图形输出例子是视窗图元文件(wmf),位图和很少的其他标准的格式,如tiff,jpeg 和png.
    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/gdi/WMFile.html 

    4109. Java WebSuck - WebSuck goes through a Web page, following links and making a list of the datafiles encountered along the way. It is useful for such tasks as downloading large image galleries without clicking all the links yourself. It can output a file list in a format appropriate for wget, and another for GetRight. It can be used either via a Swing GUI or in console mode.
    Java WebSuck遍历一个Web页面,沿着链接,并生成所遇到的链接生成一个数据文件。它可用于下载大型图片库而不用你亲自点击每个链接。它可以输出一个wget可用格式的文件列表,或者GetRight可用的列表。它既可以通过一个Swing GUI使用,也可以在一个控制台模式使用。

    4110. Medium - This program calculates the average note of your subjects, u puts your subjects and points and the program calculate the average note<br> <br> Ste program calcula la nota media d tus clases, tu pones las clases y los puntos y el program t dice la media

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/medium/ 

    共有 7179 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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