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    共有 77 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    71. albumlist - Album List is a WinAMP general plugin that takes a directory tree and turns it into a list of albums. This allows easy navigation among albums stored in different directories, especially those stored on CDs.
    Album List是一个生成歌曲目录的WinAMP插件。方便的导航功能可以存储不同目录的歌曲,特别是存放在CD上的。

    72. MusicViz Tools for Windows - Tools for music visualization interoperability; a stand-alone application and .NET components which run plugins based on any input. Supports (most) Winamp and (some) Windows Media Player plugins.

    MusicViz Tools for Windows是一个音乐可视化互操作工具;它是一个单独的应用程序和.NET组件,可以运行基于任何输入的插件。支持(大多数)Winamp和(一些)Windows Media Player插件。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/musicviz/ 

    73. IMMS - IMMS is an intelligent playlist plug-in for XMMS that tracks your listening patterns and adapts itself to your taste. It is incredibly unobtrusive and easy to use as it requires no direct user interaction.

    来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/imms/?topic_id=123 

    74. Winamp Control Center - Winamp Control Center is a CGI-based executable (written in Visual Basic 5.0 Professional SP3) that interacts with Winamp to display information about Winamp over the web, including the current playing song, the playlist, current song length, etc.

    Winamp Control Center是一个基于CGI的可执行程序(用Visual Basic 5.0 Professional SP3编写),它和Winamp通过Web交互来显示关于Winamp的信息,包括当前播放的歌曲,播放列表,当前曲目的长度,等等。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wcc/ 

    75. Final Scratch Tools - Tools, Apps and Docs related to Final Scratch

    Final Scratch Tools是关于Final Scratch的工具,应用程序和文档。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/finalscratch/ 

    76. Beatman Flash MP3 Player Linux Driver - This project provides a GNU/Linux solution for managing the Freecom (www.freecom.com) Beatman Flash MP3 Player. This is a user-space C application for uploading, downloading, etc. music files to the player.

    Beatman Flash MP3 Player Linux Driver这个项目提供了一个管理Freecom (www.freecom.com) Beatman Flash MP3播放器的GNU/Linux解决方案。它是一个用户空间的C语言应用程序,可以上传、下载、播放音乐文件,等等。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/beatman/ 

    77. tactile12000 mp3 dj ware - The Tactile12000 is a visual DJ setup for MP3 files on your Mac or PC. It's built using Macromedia Director and a plug-in written in C++. Visit www.tactile12000.com for more information.

    tactile12000 mp3 dj ware是为安装在你的Mac 或PC计算机上的MP3文件提供的一个可视化DJ。它的建造使用了Macromedia Director和一个用C++编写的插件。访问www.tactile12000.com 以查看更多的信息。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tactile12000/ 

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