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    1171. active - active creates a set of Web pages which allow Web surfers to contribute to a shared calendar, groups listing, and multimedia news feed with discussion. It\'s designed to be easy to use, and easy to read the results. active is under ongoing development as the backend for indymedia.org, and active.org.au.
    active 创建一系列Web pages,允许Web surfers促成共享的日历,小组清单和带有讨论的多媒体消息。它设计成非常容易使用的,并且非常读取结果。active是一种持续发展的发展成果,是indymedia.org和active.org.au的后端.

    1172. eNdonesia Portal - Portal software or web application, or what ever you want to name it: cms, sitemanagement, etc. Modul: web directory, news management, forum, etc.Available in Indonesian and English version (the file with extra "en" extension).

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/endonesia/ 

    1173. PHP Web FileManager - Similiar to Yahoo! - phpWebFileManager - Similiar to the Yahoo! FileManager (used to manage files on their web hosting services)
    PHP Web FileManager - 类似于 Yahoo!FileManager (用于在它们的Web宿主服务上管理文件)。 

    1174. FPHDB - FPHDB is a set of PHP scripts that will facilitate all the ordering, inventory, and estimation needs of a printing business. It also uses JavaScript on frontend and a MySQL database on backend.

    FPHDB 是一套PHP脚本,简化了所有的订单、库存和对印刷业务需求的估算。它在前台使用了JavaScript ,后台使用了MySQL 数据库。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fphdb/ 

    1175. UMPL for XmailServer - UMPL for XmailServer is a Web frontend for managing Xmailserver and Webmailsolution. Different frontends are presented for root, the postmasters of virtual domains, and end-users. It includes support for managing finger, POP3, SMTP, and Webmail in German, English, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish.

    UMPL for XmailServer是一个用于管理Xmailserver 和Webmailsolution的Web前端。提供了用于root的不同字体,虚拟域邮局,和终端用户。它包括支持管理finger, POP3,SMTP, 和Webmail,使用德语、英语、工荷兰语、意大利语和西班牙语。
    来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/umpl_xmail/?topic_id=96%2C136%2C28%2C32 

    1176. VAGRANT - VA Graphing/Analysis Toolkit - A simple interface to a powerful graphing library. Check out screenshots at http://vagrant.sourceforge.net for examples of line graphs and pie charts.

    这是为一个功能强大的图形库提供的一个简单的界面。可以在 http://vagrant.sourceforge.net 查看屏幕快照,如线条图和饼图。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vagrant/ 

    1177. AIStockBot - AIStockBot aims to become the greatest Technical and Fundamental Stock Analysis program written. Using brute-force Artificial Intelligence, it should pick stocks better than you. We focus on security/market analysis, indicators, statistics, human mind...

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/aistockbot/ 

    1178. d.net CMS - A php/MySQL driven CMS created with usability in mind. Intended primarily for users desiring a 'Blog+' without the hassle of learning cryptic commands abbreviations. It provides a web-based WYSIWYG interface, and supports extensions. Demo available.

    d.net CMS是一个php/MySQL 驱动的内容管理系统,按可用性的设计而创建。主要供需要'Blog+' 而又不愿意学习复杂的命令缩写的用户使用。它提供了一个基于Web的WYSIWYG 界面,支持扩展。提供了可用的演示。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dnet/ 

    1179. phpop - phpop - Simple PHP Web based POP e-mail reader
    phpop- 基于PHP Web简单的POP e-mail 阅览器。 

    1180. PN Quran and Hadith Modules - PN Quran and Hadith Modules, modules developed for CMS PostNuke. Displaying Al Quran and Hadith in Arabic and other language translations and also be enhanced with search function and arabic recitation for both listening and downloading.

    PN Quran and Hadith Modules这是为CMS PostNuke提供的模块。可以用阿拉伯和其它语言的翻译来显示伊斯兰经,可以增强搜索功能,可以听和下载这些资源以供阿拉伯人背诵。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pnquran/ 

    共有 1684 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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