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    共有 1399 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    1191. Hibernator - Eclipse Plugin - Hibernator is a pure java Eclipse (www.eclipse.org) plugin that enables synchronisation of a java class and the related Hibernate (hibernate.sourceforge.net) mapping file. A user can edit their busisness class and not have to update the matching Hibernate

    Hibernator是一个纯Java Eclipse (www.eclipse.org)插件,支持Java类同步和相关的Hibernate (hibernate.sourceforge.net)映射文件。用户可以编辑他们的业务类,不必更新匹配的Hibernate
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/hibernator/ 

    1192. Yazd Discussion Forum - This forum software is a Java based discussion forum, that uses JDBC to store it's data in a database.
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/yazd/ 

    1193. Various IDEA Plugins - Various plugins for IntelliJ IDEA (CommentPlugin, CamelPlugin, TabSwitchPlugin).

    Various IDEA Plugins为 IntelliJ IDEA提供各种插件(注释插件,游戏插件,TabSwitch插件)。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tz-ip/ 

    1194. Excel JOOLE for the Masses Part I - This is a simple collection to help get you started using Brio, JOOLE, and Excel. It also details some lessons learned.

    这个简单的程序集可以帮你开始使用Brio, JOOLE, 和 Excel。它也详细描述了学到的一些经验教训。
    来源: http://businessintelligence.ittoolbox.com/code/d.asp?d=1863&a=s 

    1195. GCViewer - GCViewer is a Swing-based application that visualizes the verbose garbage collection output generated by the IBM and Sun Java VMs. The data can also be exported as CSV for forther processing with a spreadsheet application. Visualizing the data can help when one is tuning the garbage collector, especially the generation sizes and initial heap size
    GCViewer是一个基于偏差的应用程序,能够看见由IBM和Sun Java VMs生成的冗余垃圾收集结果。那些数据可以以CSV的方式调出用于进一步跟数据表应用程序一起处理。当用户正在调节垃圾收集器时,尤其是在生成结果和原始堆很大的情况下,数据可视化是很有用的。 

    1196. Obscure Encryption - ObscureEncrypt is a high level security encrypter. It encrypts at three levels, 448 bit Blowfish encryption, Obscurity, high level encryption. Making it almost impossible to decrypt
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/obsenc/ 

    1197. KvmJab - 原版无描述 

    1198. KButton v - A custom swing component (Button) which can easily be altered to suit your own needs. Comes with a KButtonGroup class to allow you to group buttons together (Grouped buttons have their selected status altered when another button in the group is selected. Similiar to a checkbox)
    来源: http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone13/cat636/28383.htm 

    1199. jMusic - Composition in Java - As a library of classes for generating and manipulating music and sound, jMusic provides a solid framework for computer assisted composition in Java. jMusic has a music data structure based upon note/sound events and methods for modifying and structuring

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmusic/ 

    1200. Non-Native Brio Languages Last updated: - **UPDATED 2/04/03** Use this sample to help guide you when you need to work with Non Native Languages in Brio. This BQY illustrates how to delete the Excel app. that was instantiated by JOOLE. It also showS how to invoke JScript. The actual VBScript can be found in the VBScript section.

    当你在 Brio中处理非本地语言时,这个例子可以帮助你。这个BQY演示了如何删除 Excel 应用程序。由 JOOLE实例化。它也演示了如何激活 JScript。可以在 VBScript 部分找到实际的VBScript 。
    来源: http://businessintelligence.ittoolbox.com/code/d.asp?d=1727&a=s 

    共有 1399 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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