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    491. flc - flc lists information about the files in a directory, like 'ls' or 'dir' commands from the fileutils package. But in addition, it shows FILE_ID.DIZ information (from files and archives), ID3 tags (MP3), and MET files (eDonkey or Overnet). It is very useful for FTP admins or people who have a lot to do with files.
    flc 显示文件夹里的文件列表信息。就好像fileutils包中的'ls' 或 'dir'命令。此外,它显示FILE_ID.DIZ 信息, ID3标签和MET文件。它非常适用于FTP管理员或需要大量处理文件的人。 

    492. Report Manager - Report Manager is both a print scheme designer (report) and a high level printing (reporting) engine. Also a TCP Report Server and a Web Report Server (PDF on the fly), supports Windows and Linux. Connectivity to almost all databases is provided.

    Report Manager既是一个打印模式设计器(report),也是一个高级打印(reporting)引擎。除了支持TCP Report Server 和Web Report Server (PDF),它也支持Windows 和Linux。提供了对几乎所有数据库连接的支持。

    493. Pipo-BBS - Pipo-BBS allows you to install a BBS server and clients. You can chat via a nice interface with an unlimited number of people (as with IRC). This software is in a pre-release state; it is still very alpha, and can be difficult to even compile. It works under linux, MkLinux, SGI, HP-UX, and Solaris. The only interface for this BBS is telnet for the moment; an interface using GTK has been started. It has been translated into French, English, Spanish and German.
    Pipo-BBS允许你安装BBS 的服务器端和客户端。你可以通过一个漂亮的界面和无数多人聊天。软件现在还处在预发布的状态,所以很难编译。支持linux, MkLinux, SGI, HP-UX, 和 Solaris。现在这个BBS的唯一界面是telnet,通过GTK 启动。它已经被翻译成法文,英文,西班牙文和德文。 

    494. PROJ.4 - PROJ.4 is a cartographic projections and datum shifting library written in C. It includes support for many (100+) projections, including Transverse Mercator and Lambert Conformal Conic. Included is a command line program for reprojecting points. It was originally written by Gerald Evenden of the USGS, and is in active use in various commercial and freeware software.
    PROJ.4是一个插画地图项目数据转换库,用C开发。它支持许多(100+)项目,包括Transverse Mercator and Lambert Conformal Conic.被包括的是一个命令行程序,用于重新投射点。它最初由USGS的Gerald Evenden开发,主要用在各种商业和免费软件中。 

    495. ckmame - ckmame is a program to check rom sets for MAME, the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. It tells you which rom files are missing or have a wrong CRC, and can delete unknown and unused files from the romsets.
    ckmame是一个检测 rom装置的程序,用于 MAME,   Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator。它告诉你哪些rom文件丢失或有一个错误的CRC,并能从 rom装置上删除未知的和未用的文件。 

    496. STAF - The Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF) is a framework designed to improve the level of reuse and automation in test cases and test environments. The goal of STAF is to provide a complete end-to-end automation solution for testers.

    497. ClairVoyant SysAdmin - The CVTSA is a tool for Linux that allows a user to use his computer with emails (also from cellular). Emails could be sent from a standard mail address or from a cellular. There are security options that make it quite safe.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cvtsa/ 

    498. Changetrack - changetrack is a program to monitor changes to files. If files are modified one day, and the machine starts working incorrectly some days later, changetrack can provide information on which files were modified, and help locate the problem. Changetrack will also allow recovery of the files from any stage.
    Changetrack是一个用于监视程序变化的程序。如果某天文件被修改了,而且在以后的某天计算机开始不能正常工作了,changetrack 可以提供有关该文件被修改的信息,帮助定位问题。Changetrack 将允许从任何阶段恢复文件。 

    499. GNU MP3 Daemon - GNUMP3d is a small, portable, and robust server for streaming MP3s, OGGs, and other audio files. It presents a simple and attractive interface to Web browsers, which allows you to navigate through your music collection. Individual files may be streamed, as can whole directory trees. Other features include the ability to see your most popular tracks, and to search your collection for songs.
    GNU MP3 Daemon是一个小型的、可移植的、健壮的服务器,用来流式传输MP3s, OGGs和其它音频文件。它提供了一个简单而吸引人的Web浏览器接口,可以允许你在你的音乐集中导航。也可流式传输单独的文件,或整个目录树。其它的功能包括查看你最喜欢的CD音乐,搜索你的歌曲集。 

    500. ppovit - Ppovit is a small Perl program that reads 3D molecular structure coordinates in Protein Data Bank (PDB) format and generates a scene description script that can be used as input for the Persistence Of Vision (POV) ray-tracer to create high quality images of macromolecular models.
    ppovit是一个小型Perl程序,可以读按Protein Data Bank (PDB)格式的3D分子结构坐标,生成一个场景描述脚本,可以用作Persistence Of Vision (POV)光线跟踪器的输入,以创建高品质的大分子模型图像。 

    共有 2529 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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