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    6431. WebMail/Java - WebMail is a Java Servlet application that gives users WWW access to their IMAP/POP mailboxes. It supports folders, multiple languages, composing messages, MIME and virtual domains.

    JavaWebMail 是一个使用户可以通过www访问他们的IMAP/POP邮箱的java Servlet应用程序。它支援文件夹,多样的语言,构成信息,MIME和虚拟域。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jwebmail/ 

    6432. Venn Diagrams - Venn diagrams are an interesting method for rendering triadic relations on a two dimensional drawing surface. Certain marks (or annotations) indicate the existence of variables or constants in the distinguishable regions.

    Venn Diagrams是一个有趣的方法,用于在一个2维绘制表面上绘制triadic关系。它使用某种标记(或注释)表明在不同区域中存在的变量或常量。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/venn/ 

    6433. jStart32 - jStart32 works as Win32-EXE wrapper to start JAVA Applications running on Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Both tools, the wrapper and the configuration tool are written in Delphi 7.

    jStart32可以作为一个Win32-EXE 封装器,可以在Windows 2000 或Windows XP中启动Java应用程序。它是用Delphi7编写的,既可以作为一个封装器,也可以作为一个配置工具。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jstart32/ 

    6434. User Drawn Popup Menu Class - This class allows you to build popup menus with multiple submenus without using the form's menu editor. You can also insert an image for each menu item and/or a bitmap by associating the class with an ImageList control, and it has a faded select bar instead of the boring system one.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=3043

    6435. Streaming XML News, Weather, and Stock Q - This application is an example of using live xml feeds to recieve news, weather information, and stock quotes. Version 2.0, release 09/05/01, includes a number of changes and upgrades. The app is now driven from the system tray; there is no longer a visible main form. Weather information was added in version 2.0 and the news search functionality is improved. Also included are some bug fixes and code cleanup.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=2138 

    6436. Multiscan - Multiscan is a simple portscanner coded in c, which allows you to scan a range of ip addresses

    6437. Build a VC++ Add-in with Support for Num - Check out this Visual C++ add-in that contains several features. You'll support expanded sorting with two modes (character and number) as well as command function, source-header flipping, changeable text format (Windows/Unix), and more

    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/devstudio_macros/editidaddin.html 

    6438. CoSMiC - The CoSMiC Project aims at creating a distributed simulated environment for leisure, chat, play etc.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cosmic/ 

    6439. CVS Professional Support and CVSNT - CVS is the world's most deployed version control system for the software development business.

    Global Corporations right through to Small to Medium Businesses have found that CVSNT is the ideal version control tool for Windows, Mac OS X, Unix and Linux.

    CVSNT has developed this reputation through five years of frequent production quality releases.

    CVS 是世界上软件开发业务中部署最多的版本控制系统。
    在各中小型公司中,CVSNT 被认为是理想的版本控制工具,支持Windows, Mac OS X, Unix 和Linux。
    CVSNT 经过5年不断的新产品发布而取得今天这样的声誉。
    来源: http://www.cvsnt.com/cvspro/ 

    6440. EScrambler - EScrambler - Email Address Scrambler - Email address code scrambler. Fight spam. Hide your email addresses from robots in plain sight. Visitors to your web pages can read and click on your email addresses the same way they do now. Robots will not find them. Stay off spam lists. Search engine friendly. Easy to use.
    EScrambler - Email Address Scrambler -Email地址编码加密器。对付垃圾邮件。隐藏Email地址。访客可以如常的阅读和点击你的电邮地址。但Robots无法找到,远离垃圾邮件列表。搜索引擎可以找到。方便使用。 

    共有 6910 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
    <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29> <30> <31> <32> <33> <34> <35> <36> <37> <38> <39> <40> <41> <42> <43> <44> <45> <46> <47> <48> <49> <50> <51> <52> <53> <54> <55> <56> <57> <58> <59> <60> <61> <62> <63> <64> <65> <66> <67> <68> <69> <70> <71> <72> <73> <74> <75> <76> <77> <78> <79> <80> <81> <82> <83> <84> <85> <86> <87> <88> <89> <90> <91> <92> <93> <94> <95> <96> <97> <98> <99> <100> <101> <102> <103> <104> <105> <106> <107> <108> <109> <110> <111> <112> <113> <114> <115> <116> <117> <118> <119> <120> <121> <122> <123> <124> <125> <126> <127> <128> <129> <130> <131> <132> <133> <134> <135> <136> <137> <138> <139> <140> <141> <142> <143> <144> <145> <146> <147> <148> <149> <150> <151> <152> <153> <154> <155> <156> <157> <158> <159> <160> <161> <162> <163> <164> <165> <166> <167> <168> <169> <170> <171> <172> <173> <174> <175> <176> <177> <178> <179> <180> <181> <182> <183> <184> <185> <186> <187> <188> <189> <190> <191> <192> <193> <194> <195> <196> <197> <198> <199> <200> <201> <202> <203> <204> <205> <206> <207> <208> <209> <210> <211> <212> <213> <214> <215> <216> <217> <218> <219> <220> <221> <222> <223> <224> <225> <226> <227> <228> <229> <230> <231> <232> <233> <234> <235> <236> <237> <238> <239> <240> <241> <242> <243> <244> <245> <246> <247> <248> <249> <250> <251> <252> <253> <254> <255> <256> <257> <258> <259> <260> <261> <262> <263> <264> <265> <266> <267> <268> <269> <270> <271> <272> <273> <274> <275> <276> <277> <278> <279> <280> <281> <282> <283> <284> <285> <286> <287> <288> <289> <290> <291> <292> <293> <294> <295> <296> <297> <298> <299> <300> <301> <302> <303> <304> <305> <306> <307> <308> <309> <310> <311> <312> <313> <314> <315> <316> <317> <318> <319> <320> <321> <322> <323> <324> <325> <326> <327> <328> <329> <330> <331> <332> <333> <334> <335> <336> <337> <338> <339> <340> <341> <342> <343> <344> <345> <346> <347> <348> <349> <350> <351> <352> <353> <354> <355> <356> <357> <358> <359> <360> <361> <362> <363> <364> <365> <366> <367> <368> <369> <370> <371> <372> <373> <374> <375> <376> <377> <378> <379> <380> <381> <382> <383> <384> <385> <386> <387> <388> <389> <390> <391> <392> <393> <394> <395> <396> <397> <398> <399> <400> <401> <402> <403> <404> <405> <406> <407> <408> <409> <410> <411> <412> <413> <414> <415> <416> <417> <418> <419> <420> <421> <422> <423> <424> <425> <426> <427> <428> <429> <430> <431> <432> <433> <434> <435> <436> <437> <438> <439> <440> <441> <442> <443> <444> <445> <446> <447> <448> <449> <450> <451> <452> <453> <454> <455> <456> <457> <458> <459> <460> <461> <462> <463> <464> <465> <466> <467> <468> <469> <470> <471> <472> <473> <474> <475> <476> <477> <478> <479> <480> <481> <482> <483> <484> <485> <486> <487> <488> <489> <490> <491> <492> <493> <494> <495> <496> <497> <498> <499> <500> <501> <502> <503> <504> <505> <506> <507> <508> <509> <510> <511> <512> <513> <514> <515> <516> <517> <518> <519> <520> <521> <522> <523> <524> <525> <526> <527> <528> <529> <530> <531> <532> <533> <534> <535> <536> <537> <538> <539> <540> <541> <542> <543> <544> <545> <546> <547> <548> <549> <550> <551> <552> <553> <554> <555> <556> <557> <558> <559> <560> <561> <562> <563> <564> <565> <566> <567> <568> <569> <570> <571> <572> <573> <574> <575> <576> <577> <578> <579> <580> <581> <582> <583> <584> <585> <586> <587> <588> <589> <590> <591> <592> <593> <594> <595> <596> <597> <598> <599> <600> <601> <602> <603> <604> <605> <606> <607> <608> <609> <610> <611> <612> <613> <614> <615> <616> <617> <618> <619> <620> <621> <622> <623> <624> <625> <626> <627> <628> <629> <630> <631> <632> <633> <634> <635> <636> <637> <638> <639> <640> <641> <642> <643> <644> <645> <646> <647> <648> <649> <650> <651> <652> <653> <654> <655> <656> <657> <658> <659> <660> <661> <662> <663> <664> <665> <666> <667> <668> <669> <670> <671> <672> <673> <674> <675> <676> <677> <678> <679> <680> <681> <682> <683> <684> <685> <686> <687> <688> <689> <690> <691>

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