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    共有 21 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    11. Playing MIDI Files Directly From The Res - It is based on a sample in the DirectX sdk (called mstream). The conversion into a C++ class makes it much easier to use. The CMIDI class makes it easy to play a MIDI file directly from the resource   One can use the class to play MIDI files, too. In this case you have to load the entire file into memory and to pass the pointer to the beginning of the buffer to the Create() method.

    这个类基于DirectX sdk中的一个示例。这种到C++类的转变使它的使用更加容易。CMIDI类使播放来自resource中的MIDI文件变的容易。这时候你必须把整个文件放在内存里,并且把指针放到缓冲的头部的Create()方法上。
    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/multimedia/midi.shtml 

    12. ACK Meterbridge - ACK Meterbridge is a software meterbridge for the Unix-based JACK audio system. It supports a number of different types of meters, rendered using the SDL library and user-editable pixmaps.
    ACK Meterbridge 是一个基于UNIX的JACK声音系统。支持各种类型的米,应用SDL库和用户可编辑象素。 

    13. Audio Volume Manipulation classes - Many times my applications required audio volume manipulation. To make the volume-enabled application development easier I decided to create a few C++ classes that would allow me to easily regulate and track the changes   Here I provide such classes that share a common interface (defined in IVolume.h):


    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/multimedia/volume_manipulation.shtml 

    14. PlayMIDI - Playmidi is a curses and X11-based MIDI file player for Linux. It supports playback to any OSS-supported synth device including external MIDI.

    Releases after 2.5 are expected to have soft synth support through /dev/dsp for when /dev/sequencer isn't supported or external midi playback isn't desired.

    15. Creating MIDI Files - Demonstration of p - Creating MIDI Files - Demonstration of polymorphy and inheritance

    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/multimedia/MIDIGenerator.shtml 

    16. Swami - Swami is an instrument patch file editor using SoundFont files that allows you to create and distribute instruments from audio samples used for composing music. It uses FluidSynth, a software synthesizer, which has real time effect control, support for modulators, and routable audio via JACK.
    Swami是一个乐器修补文件编辑器,它采用的是 SoundFont文件,允许你从音频样本中创建并分布乐器,其中的音频样本是用来编辑音乐的。它采用FluidSynth、一个软件综合程序(具有真实时间效果控制)、对调制器的支持、通过JACK的路由音频。 

    17. Grapefruit sequencer - Free, easy to use midi sequencer for MS Windows that supports multiple midi devices.

    Grapefruit sequencer是为MS Windows提供的免费的,易于使用的midi序列,它支持多个midi设备。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/grapefruit/ 

    18. Interverse Project - The interverse is the evolution and combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and content used in the interverse

    Interverse 是Web,聊天,IM,和语音通讯的发展和组合。它不只是一个图形化的用户接口(GUI),也是一个沉浸式的用户接口(IUI)。这个项目将开发沉浸式环境中的客户端和内容。

    19. Specimen - About:
    Specimen is a MIDI controlled audio sampler for Linux systems, allowing you to create music using short sound files (samples). You can use a sequencer to create a musical score and play it through Specimen, which will activate the samples you specify for the appropriate duration and at the expected pitch and volume.



    20. BEAST-BSE - BEAST (the BEdevilled Audio SysTem) is a GTK+/GNOME based front-end to BSE (the Bedevilled Sound Engine). BSE is a shared library that comes with the necessary framework to simulate audio synthesis (modular synthesis) and song composition similar to other popular "tracker" programs. BEAST is in an alpha stage of development. The GUI is still pretty rough in some places and the BSE API has not really stabilized yet. The rough goal of this project is to get an audio system that supports multiple song and sample formats (besides the newly introduced .bse format) as well as synthesis networks, and allows full fledged editing and manipulation of them. Sample manipulation includes generation of new sounds from module networks, based on subtractive synthesis. The user creates these networks by manipulating graphical objects representing modules such as oscillators, filters, and mixers, all of which are implemented as dynamically loaded plugins.
    Monday 2 Sep 2002
    Version 0.4.1 has been released. This release comes with the new logo/splash screen and is a more than 80% reimplementation of the 0.3.x releases.

    Sunday 12 March
    Version 0.3.2 has been released. The highlights of this release include new synthesizer modules submitted by David A. Bartold and major GUI improvements. We're still looking for contributions of icons and we need a logo.
    BEAST(BEdevilled音频系统)是一个GTK+/GNOME为基础向BSE(Bedevilled声音引擎)的前端。BSE是一个提供必要框架来产生音频组织(模块组织)和与其他流行的“声道”程序相似的声音合成的共享库。BEAST开发正处在alpha阶段。GUI仍然非常粗糙,BSE API在某些地方还没有完全稳定。本项目的大致目标是得到一个可以支持多种声音和样本模式(除了最新介绍的.bse格式)的音频系统和组织网络,并且允许对它们进行完全成熟的编辑和操作。样本操作包括以负组织为基础从模块网络生成新的声音。用户利用操作代表振动器、滤镜和合成器(都通过动态下载的插件来实现)的图形化对象来创建这些网络。
    0.3.2版本发布,这个版本的突出特点包括由David A.Bartold提供的新的组织器模块和主要的GUI改进。我们仍在寻找图表并且需要一个徽标 

    共有 21 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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