共有 4 个源码项目.
1. Aget
- Aget is a multi-threaded download accelerator. It supports HTTP downloads and can be run from the console.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/aget/?topic_id=861 |
2. Olypiad in Informatics Tester
- This Tester is just a software which can be used to test your programs automatically. By providing it with the paths of the compilers and the program sources and details of each test datas, it will compile and run the programs separatively and generate a result |
4. 软件可靠性工程工具
- 基于净室软件工程的统计测试工具、UML用例-场景模型到使用模型转换工具、使用模型加速工具 |