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    共有 904 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    701. cingb - cingb is an ATTEMPT to write a Gameboy-emulator for all kinds of platforms. It plays Gameboy and Gameboy Color ROMs, includes a debugger for step-by-step analysis of Gameboy programs and might be also interesting for educational purposes.

    cingb试图为所有类型的平台编写一个Gameboy模拟器。它可以运行Gameboy 和Gameboy Color ROMs,包括一个调试器来一步步分析Gameboy程序,它也可能引起教育目的的兴趣。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cingb/ 

    702. MuSE Streamer - MuSE aims to be an application for the mixing, encoding, and network streaming of sound. It can simultaneously mix up to 6 encoded audio bitstreams (from files or a network) plus a soundcard input signal. The resulting stream can be played locally on the sound card and/or encoded as an MP3 bitstream and sent to a broadcast server (icecast or shoutcast). MuSE offers two intuitive interfaces for realtime operation (GTK+ and ncurses) and can be used from the commandline.
    MuSE旨在成为混音、编码、和声音流式网络传输的程序。它可以同时混合多达6个编码音频位流(从文件或网络)外加一个声卡输入信号。得到的声音流可以在本地声卡播放,也可以作为MP3位流发送到一个广播服务器(icecast 或 shoutcast)。MuSE为实时操作(GTK+ 和 ncurses)提供了两个直观的界面,可以从命令行运行。

    703. Quantum Network Computing - QNC is a Environment for developing quantum computer simulations.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qnc/ 

    704. SODA - SODA (Small Object Directory Architecture) is a Novell NDS like object configuration tree. A simple api ist written in php and java. additoinal apis will come soon.
    SODA (Small Object Directory Architectur)是一个类似对象配置树的Novell NDS。提供了一个用php 和java编写的简单的API。以后将提供额外的API。

    705. C-MINUIT interface - Package for using CERN's MINUIT with C main program and fcn().

    C-MINUIT 为在C语言的main和fcn()函数中使用CERN的MINUIT提供接口。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/c-minuit/ 

    706. Open GameBoy Games - We write cewl games. (At least, we think so...) Right now the games run on Nintendo's Game Boy [Advance], but in the future... who knows?

    我们编写这个cewl 游戏,(至少至少,我们认为应该这样做)。现在游戏可以在Nintendo的Game Boy [Advance]上运行,但未来怎么样...谁知道?
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opengbgames/ 

    707. TemporalNeuralNetworkSimulatio - TemporalNeuralNetworkSimulatio
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/simulator/ 

    708. Knight's tour - The Knight's Tour is a series of moves on a chess board made by the knight. The significance of this move set is that the knnight lands on every square but never the same one twice. Sounds easy right? I haven't found a way to make the computer do this easily.

    Knight's tour是由knight生成的一系列棋局。这个棋局集合的重要性是knnight每次都经过所有的棋格,但每个棋格只经过一次。听起来很容易吗?我还没有发现让计算机可以容易地完成这个任务的方法。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/knightstour/ 

    709. PointComma web content management system - Simple web content management system based on PHP, that aims at making the maintenance of a web site simple. The administration interface will be thoroughly developed, while query elements will allow a new front end to be created for each implementation.

    PointComma web content management system是一个简单的基于PHP的Web内容管理系统,旨在简化Web站点的维护工作。维护界面将被完全开发,同时查询元素将允许为每一个实现增加新的前端。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pointcomma/ 

    710. VOCP System - VOCP is a complete messaging solution for voice modems, with voicemail, fax, email pager, DTMF command shell and Text-to-Speech support, 3 GUIs and a web interface. Send and receive faxes and voicemail, listen to emails and execute programs on the host.

    VOCP System是一个为语音调制解调器提供的完整的消息解决方案,具有语音邮件,传真,电子邮件分页器,DTMF命令外壳和文本到语音支持,3个GUI和一个Web界面。可以发送和接收传真,语音邮件,监听电子邮件,以及执行主机上的程序。

    共有 904 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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