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共有 60 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6>
1. Async Professional
- Flash Card Master is a flash card program. It can display & print flash cards.
Flash Card Master是一个闪存卡程序。它可以显示和打印闪存卡的内容。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/flashcardmaster/ |
2. Yet Another C Chatting Algorithm
- Yacca is an advanced chat bot (other plugins are under development, including a command-line only version for you to interact with yacca) that is designed to resemble a human chatter as closely as possible.
Yet Another C Chatting Algorithm是一个高级聊天bot(另一个插件正在开发之中,包括一个只支持命令行的版本,可以让你和yacca交互),它设计为尽可能地模拟可以聊天的人。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/yacca/ |
3. Physics Education Technology (PhET)
- The Physics Education Technology project involves interactive simulations of physical phenomena aimed at improving the learning and appreciation of physics for a wide range of students, teachers, and the general public.
Physics Education Technology (PhET)这个项目涉及物理现象的交互模拟,旨在为广大学生、教师和公众提供学习和评判物理现象的好办法。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phet/ |
4. ntora-checker
- ntora-checker is a circuit analyzer for beginners in electronics. It shows you whether the circuit will operate or not, and what the operation parameters are. The circuits that can be analyzed are limited to a basic amplifier and a single transistor with a common emitter.
ntora-checker是为电子学入门者提供的一个电路分析器。它向你展示电路是否能正常运行,以及运行参数是什么。可以被分析的电路限于基本的放大器和带公共发射器的晶体管。 |
5. ivata op
- ivata op is a Groupware/Exchange/Intranet system. Includes contacts/address book, calendar, virtual drive, library CMS, search and webmail. Java J2EE, EJB, Hibernate, Struts and JSP. Runs on JBoss. See op.ivata.org.
ivata op是一个群件/交换/Intranet系统。包括联系册和地址簿,日历,虚拟驱动器,图书馆CMS,查询和 webmail。使用了Java J2EE, EJB, Hibernate, Struts 和JSP。在JBoss上运行。查看op.ivata.org.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ivataopenportal/ |
- vmips is a virtual machine simulator based around a MIPS R3000 RISC CPU core. It is an open-source project written in GNU C++.
VMIPS是一个虚拟机模拟程序,基于一个MIPS R3000 RISC CPU 内核。它是一个用GNU C++编写的开放源码项目。 |
7. Clamor
- About:
Clamor is software for musical ear training.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/clamor/?branch_id=48072&release_id=174709 |
- EAsea Specification of Evolutionary Algorithms (EASEA), is a high-level language dedicated to the specification of evolutionary algorithms. The language and compiler are quite mature. EASEA compiles .ez specification files into C++ or Java object files, using existing evolutionary libraries. Supported C++ libraries currently are GALib or EO.
EAsea Specification of Evolutionary Algorithms (EASEA),是一个专门为进化算法提供的高层语言。语言和编译器是相当成熟的,EASEA使用现存的进化算法库将符合 . ez规范的文件编译成C++或Java对象文件。目前被支持的C++库有GALib 或EO。 |
9. interact
- A platform for the delivery and support of online learning. It differs from many other elearning platforms in that its aim is to concentrate on the social/interactive aspects of teaching and learning rather than the delivery of content to students.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cce-interact/ |
10. MonkeyMind - Free Self-Help Chatterbot
- Free self-help chatterbot. Stop your monkey mind chatter. Create your dreams. Fast, easy to use, fun program. Runs online or offline. Only 20K unzipped. Free support for all. Windows, Mac, Linux. It works. Try it. Pass it on.
免费的自助聊天程序。停止你猴脑般无聊的对话。创造你的梦想。是一个快捷,简单,方便的程序。可以在线或离线应用。只有20K。免费的支持,运行在Windows,Mac,Linux上。试一下,应用它。 |
共有 60 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> |