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    今天是: 2010年11月21日    
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Regulations for Co-Create Branch of China Software Industry Association
Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 Name
  Chinese name: 中国软件行业协会共创软件分会(通称"共创软件联盟",以下简称分会)
  English name: CO-CREATE SOFTWARE League(CoSoft for short)

Article 2 Nature
  1. It is subordinate to China Software Industry Association and commercially guided by Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology.
  2. CoSoft is a nonprofit, nationwide professional organization which is voluntarily united by software enterprises, information technology enterprises, educational institutions, research institutions and application departments which are determined to promote knowledge sharing, resources sharing and vigorously develop Chinese open source cause, and individuals who are engaged in scientific research of information technologies, education, development, production, application and management.

Article 3 Objectives
  CoSoft will abide by the Constitution, state laws and regulations, national policies and observe social ethics.
  CoSoft will achieve intelligence accumulation and effectively spread achievements, promote the innovation, rapid growth and development of software technologies and boost Chinese core technologies and software industry to develop in leaps and bounds with advanced mechanism via complying with open source rules and building platform for information exchanges and services among members.
  Main functions of CoSoft include: become one of the key promoters and organizers for R&D of Chinese foundation software; provide an open environment for innovative software to rapidly grow and develop; participate and promote working out related domestic software standards; undertake international cooperation on OSS.

Article 4 CoSoft accepts business guidance, supervision and management from competent authorities –Ministry of Science and Technology, institutions for consortium registration and management under the Ministry of Civil Affairs and China Software Industry Association.

Article 5 The address of CoSoft and the Secretariat lies in: No. 54 of Sanlihelu, Beijing, PRC

Chapter 2 Business scope

Article 6 Business scope: theoretical research; technical exchanges; spreading and popularizing open source and promoting the growth and development of OSS technologies; training and consultation, etc.

Chapter 3 Membership

Article 7 CoSoft members are composed of group members and individual members.
Article 8 Any institutions, enterprises, social organizations or individuals who agree to these Regulations and who are engaged in scientific research, education, development, industry, application, services and management in the information technology area, applied, being examined and approved by the Permanent Council, can all become CoSoft members.
Article 9 Members approved by the Permanent Council will be issued with membership certificates.
Article 10 Members enjoy the following rights:
  1. The rights to elect and to be elected and the voting power;
  2. The rights to criticize,suggest and supervise CoSoft’s work;
  3. To attend or appoint representatives to attend CoSoft meetings and activities;
  4. Free or favorable acquisition of CoSoft’s services, publications and participation of different activities;
  5. Voluntary enrollment and free withdrawal.

Article 11 Members shall fulfill the following obligations:
  1. To abide by CoSoft’s Regulations and carry out CoSoft’s resolutions;
  2. To complete CoSoft’s missions;
  3. To pay membership dues as stipulated;
  4. Not to be involved in activities, which will harm CoSoft’s ///reputation and benefits;
  5. To actively recommend membership, report to CoSoft and provide related information.
  6. To actively support and participate in CoSoft’s activities.

Article 12 Membership withdraw should be notified in written form to CoSoft and membership certificates returned.
  Members failing to pay membership dues with a 6-month delay or participate in CoSoft’s activities shall be regarded as automatic withdrawal.
Article 13 In case serious violations of these Regulations occur to members, their names shall be removed from the rolls after being voted through the Permanent Council.

Chapter 4 Organizational structure, choose and dismiss persons in charge

Article 14 CoSoft’s highest authority is the Representative Assembly. It is held once every 3 years. It shall be held ahead of schedule or delayed when necessary. Under special circumstances, it may be held in communications way.
The Representative Assembly exercises the following powers:
  1. To enact and amend CoSoft Regulations;
  2. To reelect the Council, elect and dismiss Council directors;
  3. To examine and approve the Council’s work report;
  4. To decide termination matters;
  5. To discuss and decide assignment for current CoSoft within its term;
  6. To decide other significant matters.

Article 15 The Representative Assembly is elected for a term of 3 years. In case postponed election or election ahead of schedule at the expiration of the term of office of the current Representative Assembly is needed under special circumstances, it should be voted through the Council, reported to competent authorities for examination and verification, and granted by institutions for consortium registration and management. However, postponed term of office of the current Representative Assembly should not exceed 1 year at maximum.
Article 16 The Council is the executing agency for the Representative Assembly. It shall take charge of CoSoft’s daily routine when the Representative Assembly is not in session and is responsible and reports on its work to the Representative Assembly.
Article 17 The council exercises the following powers:
  1. To carry out the Representative Assembly’s resolutions;
  2. To elect Permanent Council directors;
  3. To elect and recall director-general and deputy director-generals;
  4. To nominate and elect honorary director-general and engage honorary directors;
  5. To engage secretary-general for CoSoft;
  6. To prepare to hold the general meeting;
  7. To report to the general meeting on the working and financial status;
  8. To decide admission or dismissal of members;
  9. To guide CoSoft’s work;
  10.To work out internal control system;
  11.To decide other significant matters. Article 18 The Council meets in session at least once a year. It must be convened with more than 1/2 of director attendants. The resolutions shall not go into effect unless being voted through with more than 2/3 of the attendants. Under special circumstances, it may be convened in communications way.
Article 19 The Permanent Council under CoSoft shall exercise functions and powers in 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Article 17 and other functions and powers conferred by the Council when the Council is not in session. It is responsible and reports on its work to the Council.
Article 20 The Permanent Council meets at least once semiannually. It must be convened with more than 1/2 of permanent director attendants. The resolutions shall not go to effect unless being voted through with more than 2/3 of the attendants. Under special circumstances, it may be convened in communications way.
Article 21 Directors of this Council must be provided with the following qualifications:
  1. Abiding by the Party’s courses, guidelines and policies with good political accomplishments;
  2. Representative and being engaged in scientific research, education, development, industry, application, services and management in the information technology area with outstanding achievements;
  3. Healthy and capable of conducting normal work;
  4. Domestic and foreign software experts and big names who favor CoSoft’s work may be recommended as honorary directors.
Article 22 Director-general and deputy director-generals must be provided with qualifications as:
  1. Abiding by the Party’s courses, guidelines and policies with good political accomplishments;
  2. Great contributions have been made in information technology area and with good reputation;
  3. Healthy and capable of conducing normal work;
  4. With no criminal disposals with the deprivation of political rights;
  5. Possessing complete capacity for civil disposition;
  6. The director-general shall not hold concurrently the director (or chairman) for other academy, consortium and research society. Generally, he shall not exceed 65;
  7. Deputy director-general shall not hold concurrently more than 2 posts in other academy, consortium and research society.
Article 23 Director-general and deputy director-generals are elected for a 3-year term, 2 terms for each at the longest. In case terms are to be adjusted due to special circumstances, posts shall not be held unless being adopted by a vote of more than 2/3 of the representatives of the Representative Assembly, reported to competent authorities for examination and approved by institutions for consortium registration and management. Choices of director-general and deputy director-generals must be nominated by the former director-general or jointly nominated by at least 5 directors.
Article 24 CoSoft has honorary director-generals, 1 director-general and deputy director-generals.
Article 25 CoSoft’s director-general exercises the following functions and powers:
  1. To convene and host Council meetings (or Permanent Council meetings);
  2. To check enforcement of resolutions by the Representative Assembly, the Council or Permanent Council;
  3. To sign related important documents on behalf of CoSoft;
  4. To check and evaluate CoSoft’s work;
  5. To handle other important matters authorized by the Permanent Council.
Article 26 CoSoft has 1 secretary-general recommended by the director-general and deputy director-generals, deputy secretary-generals recommended by the directory-general, deputy director-generals and the secretary-general. Appointment of the secretary-general and deputy secretary-generals shall be examined and approved by the Permanent Council.

Chapter 5 Procedures for amendment to the Regulations

Article 27 Amendment to CoSoft Regulations must be reported to the Representative Assembly for examination and approval after being voted through at the Council.
Article 28 Amended regulations must be examined and approved by competent authorities, then reported to institutions for consortium registration and management for examination and approval before going into effect within 15 days after being adopted at the Representative Assembly.

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