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    共有 736 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    11. POE: Perl Object Environment - POE is a framework for creating multitasking programs in Perl. It has a growing suite of components that handle common programming tasks. It excels at networking client and server applications, but it is by no means limited to just that.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/poe/ 

    12. Gangplank conferencing system - Gangplank is a Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) system (or "chat server") which supports real-time communication between users, currently using a text-based user interface. It runs as an Internet server which implements the standard telnet protocol, so no special client program is necessary for users. Server-side processing provides input editing/history and terminal- handling features over the telnet connection for standard ANSI terminals. This code has been in production use on a private server since early 1993. This single-process server is fast, efficient and stable.
    Gangplank 是一个Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)系统(或“聊天服务器”),支持几个用户间的实时通信,目前使用一个基于文本的用户界面。它作为一个Internet服务器运行,实现了标准的telnet协议,所以用户不需要特殊的客户端程序。服务器端处理提供输入编辑/历史,支持标准ANSI终端的telnet连接的终端处理功能。早在1993年这个代码就已经在一个私人服务器产品中使用。这个单进程服务器是快速的、高效的和稳定的。 

    13. fireparse - fireparse is a Perl script that emails a report of all packets that have been logged by the kernel's ipchains or iptables packet filtering subsystems. The report includes source and destination ports, direction, logged packet count, matched rules, and fully resolved host names (if available). The report can be formatted as plain text or as a colored HTML table.

    14. qpsmtpd - qpsmtpd is a plugin driven, object-oriented qmail-smtpd replacement written in Perl. Its features include tools to avoid accepting mails that have to bounce anyway, SpamAssassin integration, and a fancy object-oriented system for extension plugins. Most functionality is implemented in simple plugins.
    qpsmtpd是一个驱动插件,定向目标qmail-smtpd 的替代品,用Perl编写。它的功能有,避免接受必须反弹回的邮件的工具,SpamAssassin综合,和一个用于扩展名插件的奇特定向目标系统。大多数函数在简单的插件中执行。 

    15. WebCleaner - WebCleaner is a filtering HTTP proxy. It can disable animated GIFs, compress documents on-the-fly (with gzip), add/remove HTTP headers, and remove unwanted HTML (adverts, Javascript, etc.). It can be customized to your needs.
    WebCleaner是一个过滤HTTP代理。它能使动态的GIF文件无效,压缩在用的文档(用gzip),增加或删除HTTP 标题,并删除不需要的 HTML(adverts, Javascript,等等)。它能按你的需要进行用户化。 

    16. Audio-X - About:
    Audio-X is a suite of file handling and conversion programs that manages the creation of audio content within the R-Boss content delivery chain.

    Audio-X 是一套文件处理和转化程序,管理对于在R-Boss 内容传送链的声频内容的创建。 

    17. Invisible IRC Project - The Invisible IRC Project (IIP) is an anonymous & secure IRC network.
    Invisible TRC 项目是一个匿名、安全的IRC网络。 

    18. dbackup - dbackup is a client-server backup system which writes backups to disk. This method provides fast backups and even faster restores. It includes a module to archive old backups to tape.

    来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/dbackup/?topic_id=137 

    19. Gnucula - An open Gnutella network library based on GnucDNA. It is platform-independent, developer-friendly and efficient, developed in portable C++. Easy enough for the casual P2P developer and advanced enough to satisfy the research project needs.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnucula/ 

    20. LUFS Userland Filesystem - LUFS is a hybrid userspace filesystem framework supporting an indefinite number of filesystems (localfs, sshfs, ftpfs, httpfs, socketfs, freenetfs, and nutellafs) transparently for any application. It can be regarded as doing the same job as the VFS (virtual filesystem switch) in the kernel: it is a switch, distributing the filesystem calls to its supported filesystems. However, LUFS filesystems are implemented in userspace.
    LUFS 是一个混合用户空间文件系统框架,支持不定数量的对用户透明的文件系统(localfs, sshfs, ftpfs, httpfs, socketfs, freenetfs, 和nutellafs)。它可以被看作和VFS(虚拟文件系统转换)完成同样的内核功能:它是一个转换器,分布文件系统调用到支持它的文件系统。然而,LUFS文件系统是在用户空间中实现的。 

    共有 736 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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