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    681. stpl - timetable generator - stpl generates timetables for High School.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gstpl/ 

    682. ucspi-ipc - ucspi-ipc implements D. J. Bernstein's UCSPI protocol in the Unix domain, making it trivial to set up clients or servers on Unix sockets. ucspi- ipc comes with utilities using credential passing on Unix sockets, which are designed to act like a fine-grained and efficient sudo without the need for setuid programs.
    ucspi-ipc在Unix 域内执行D. J. Bernstein的UCSPI 协议,使在Unix套接字上安装客户端或服务器变得不重要。ucspi- ipc有一些实用程序,在Unix套接字上用可信任的通行程序,它们被设计来产生如细微的有效的sudo的效果,而不需要setuid 程序。 

    683. Binc IMAP - Binc IMAP is a simple xinetd/tcpserver based IMAP server with support for Maildir. It is very easy to install and use.
    Binc IMAP 是一个基于Maildir支持的IMAP服务器的简单xinetd/tcpserver。它的安装和适用都很简单。 

    684. BibleTime - BibleTime - BibleTime is a Bible study tool for the KDE. It uses the SWORD programming library to display bible texts, lexica and commentaries. It is one of the best available bible study programs that are available
    BibleTime 是一个在KDE下的圣经学习工具。它应用SWORD系统库展示圣经的文章,词典和注释。这是一个最好的圣经学习工具之一。 

    685. Virtual Universe - Virtual reality universe with distributed servers each serving their territory. Tokenized objects with varying detail depending on distance and transmission speed. Multiple reality levels allow normal life and games for flesh/electronic humans and AI

    Virtual Universe是一个虚拟现实世界,带有分布式服务器,每一个服务器管理其各自的地域。根据距离和传输速度等变化的细节信息标记对象。多个现实水平可以模拟日常生活,以及在游戏中提供有血肉的电子化的机器人和人工智能。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vru/ 

    686. mailpopup - mailpopup checks one or more email accounts and notifies the owner by SMB (Winpopup/LinPopup) if new mail has arrived.
    mailpopup检查一个或多个邮件帐户,如果有新邮件,就根据服务信息块SMB (Winpopup/LinPopup)通知所有者。 

    687. FakeBO - FakeBO fakes trojan server responses (Back Orifice, NetBus, etc.) and logs every attempt to a logfile, stdout/stderr or syslog. It is able to send fake pings and replies back to the client which is trying to access your system.

    688. Postfix - Postfix is an attempt to provide an alternative to the widely-used Sendmail program. Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and hopefully secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible enough to not upset your users.
    Postfix试图为正广泛使用的Sendmail 程序提供一个替换程序。Postfix 试图可以快速、容易地管理,能够满足希望的安全性,同时又要和sendmail 足够兼容以不会影响你的用户的使用。 

    689. Mac OS X Ext2 Filesystem - An implementation of the Ext2 (Linux) filesystem for Mac OS X.

    Mac OS X Ext2 Filesystem是ac OS X中Ext2 (Linux)文件系统的一个实现。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsx/ 

    690. mirmon - mirmon quietly probes a subset of the sites in a given list, writes the results in the 'state' file and generates a Web page with the results. The subset contains the sites that are new, bad, and/or not probed for a specified time.

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