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    共有 462 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    271. CuteSITE - CuteSITE is a cutting-edge object oriented Web Content Management Framework (CMF). It features a strong through-the-web development model and serves the fastest template engine.

    CuteSITE是一个面向cutting-edge 对象的Web内容管理系统框架(CMF)。它提供了一个强大的Web开发模型和最快速的模板引擎。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cutesitecms/ 

    272. Silva Web Authoring System - Silva is a Zope-based Web application designed for the creation and management of structured, textual content. It allows users to enter new documents as well as edit existing documents using a Web interface. It stores the content in a structured format (XML) and keeps a strict separation between the way the content is used and the way it is presented.
    Silva Web Authoring System是一个基于Zope的用于创建和管理结构化文本内容的Web应用程序。它允许用户除了用Web接口编辑一个现存文档外,还可以输入一个新文档。它以一种结构化的方式(XML)存储内容,并严格区分内容的使用方式和表达方式。 

    273. PHP User Management and Authentication - UMA is a PHP user management and authentication application. Supports PostgreSQL and MySQL databases.

    UMA 是一个PHP用户管理和鉴别应用程序。支持PostgreSQL 和MySQL 数据库。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/uma/ 

    274. jGal - jGal is a Perl script that generates static XHTML image galleries, along with thumbnails and slides, from image files. It's derived from iGal.
    jGal 是一个Perl脚本,它能够从映象文件中生成带缩略图和幻灯的静态XHTML 映射图库。它从iGal中派生出来。 

    275. Dark Age Web CMS - Guild Content Managment System for DAoC (Dark Age of Camelot). Written in PHP and mySQL, this CMS allows guild masters to create dynamic content for their guild and it's members with an easy to use interface and administration function.

    Dark Age Web CMS是为DAoC (Dark Age of Camelot)提供的一个内容管理系统,用PHP 和mySQL开发,这个CMS可以让管理员创建动态内容,其成员可以容易地使用界面和管理功能。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fiendzdotnet/ 

    276. screem - Site CReating and Editing EnvironMent. A web site editing/management program.

    277. e107france - e107France is the home of the French community of e107 (http://e107.org). e107 is a website system written in php and mySQL. e107France provides complete translation in french of the original script and of its plugins, and gives support to French people.

    e107france是e107的法语团队的主页。e107 是一个用php 和mySQL编写的Web站点。e107France 提供了对原始脚本以其插件的完整的法语的移植,为法国人提供了支持服务。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/e107france/ 

    278. Thatware - Thatware - Thatware is a Slash lookalike. It is a Web-based news publishing and discussion backend written in PHP that can handle threaded discussions with a minimum of configuration and day-to-day management.

    279. der-dirigent - "Der-Dirigent" is an easy to use Content Management System based on PHP and MySQL

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/der-dirigent/ 

    280. phpCMS - phpCMS is a flat file based Web Content Management System initially released in August 2000.
    Some features: Search Engine, Click Statistics, Menu System, Cache System, Nice GUI and much more!
    And the best of all: You don't need a database!


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