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    共有 462 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    381. MambelFish for Mambo OS - MambelFish is MamboOS component for supporting your manual translation process. THIS PROJECT IS MOVING TO THE MOSFORGE.NET PORTAL!

    MambelFish 是一个MamboOS 组件,用于支持你的手工翻译过程。这个项目已经转移到了MOSFORGE.NET 门户站点!
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mambelfish/ 

    382. OpenSymphony-oscore - OpenSymphony is an Open Source project dedicated to providing enterprise class J2EE applications and components. Our components aim to be specification compliant, and should work in any J2EE compliant application server.

    OpenSymphony 是一个开源项目,旨在为企业提供J2EE应用程序和组件。这些组件完全与规范兼容,应该可以在任何兼容J2EE的应用程序服务器上运行。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensymphony 

    383. ROBE.dit - a free webpage editor - HTML-Editor für provessionelle Webseiten-Erstellung; trennt Inhalt und Design, sodass jede Seite auf Wunsch automatisch in mehreren Designs dargestellt werden kann.

    ROBE.dit - 是一个免费的Web页面编辑器,为Webseiten-Erstellung提供的HTML编辑器。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/robedit/ 

    384. Xoops France Network - Publications from Xoops France Network (documentation, modules, themes, hacks)

    Xoops France Network发表自Xoops 法国网络(提供了文档、模块、主题和hacks)。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xfr/ 

    385. OpenCMS Calendar Module - OpenCMS Calendar Module. This module provides a jsp page with a calendar of events for the OpenCMS content management system.

    OpenCMS Calendar Module这个模块为OpenCMS 内容管理系统提供了一个带有事件日历的JSP页面。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/calendar-module/ 

    386. Siteman personal website CMS - Siteman is a Content Management System (CMS) that is so easy to install and use, that a person who has no knowledge about creating homepages can get a profesionally looking website up and running in just minutes.

    Siteman 是一个内容管理系统(CMS),易于安装和使用,不具备创建主页知识的人也可以在几分钟内生成专业外观的Web站点,并使其运行。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sitem/ 

    387. jsMenuDesigner - By the help of this small application you can build simple and fast DHTML menus.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsmenudesigner/ 

    388. obliquid - Obliquid is a PHP/XML framework for building groupware Web portals. It provides Lego bricks that may be composed to build an Internet application. It has multilingual support and themes. Modules include user management, calendar, news, cms and messaging.

    obliquid是一个PHP/XML 框架,用于建造群件Web门户。它提供了Lego 组件,可以用于组合建造一个Internet应用程序。提供了多语言支持和主题。模块包括用户管理,日历,新闻,内容管理系统和消息。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/obliquid/ 

    389. Personal .NET Portal - A .NET based Web Portal for personal use. The purpose is to build a Homepage easily. Pages are build through Tabs and Modules. Like the IBuySpyPortal, but free.

    这是一个供个人使用的基于 .NET的Web门户。其目的是简化主页的创建。可以通过Tabs 和Modules来建造页面。类似于IBuySpyPortal, 但是免费的。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dotnetportal/ 

    390. Dieseltest Load Testing Software - Dieseltest is an easy-to-use load testing tool for simulating hundreds or thousands of users on a website. It has a facility for recording scripts, playing them back, and showing the results in real time. Results can be exported for further analysis.

    Dieseltest 是一个易于使用的负载测试工具,用于模拟成千上万的用户对Web站点的访问。它可以方便地记录历史脚本,并可以回放,并可以实时显示结果。可以导出结果以供以后分析。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dieseltest/ 

    共有 462 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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