源码搜索 |
共有 170 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17>
1. Devel::Modlist
- The Devel::Modlist package is a tool for deriving dependancy lists for Perl scripts or modules. The module is entirely Perl code, and thus does not require any compilation or linking for use.
2. HTML.Template java package
- HTML.Template provides a templating solution similar to the HTML::Template perl module. It allows servlet writers to modify the look and feel of their servlets without having to recompile every time.
HTML.Template java package提供了一个类似HTML::Template perl模块的模板化解决方案。它可以让servlet 开发人员修改servlet的感观,而不用每次都重新编译。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/html-tmpl-java/ |
3. bkmrkconv
- bkmrkconv - bkmrkconv will convert Netscape's bookmarks.html file into a series of interconnected HTML pages which can be put online. The pages are heavily customizable and examples are included for a Yahoo-like portal.
bkmrkconv-将Netscape's bookmarks.html文件转换成许多可以放在线上相互连接的HTML页面。页面可高度定制,而且将包含一个类似Yahoo的入口。 |
4. Open Source Agents for Novell NetMail
- This project is dedicated to creating open source agents for Novell NetMail. Current agents include anti-spam and hashcash.
这个项目专门为Novell NetMail创建开源agent。目前的agent包括反垃圾邮件。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/netmail/ |
5. cowsay
- Cowsay is the easy way to add speaking and thinking cows (and a few other creatures) to anything. Any message you like, even in large figlet letters, can be rattled off by these ASCII critters. Cowsay comes with over 40 creatures that can be bent to your sick and twisted will.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/cowsay/?topic_id=849 |
6. Saga Java RPG
- Create an Open Source Role Playing Game written entirely in Java, maybe to be extended to be multiuser in some future version. Check the Home Page and documentation for more information.
Saga Java RPG这个项目创建了一个完全用Java开发的角色扮演游戏,可以在未来版本中扩展成多用户版本。在项目主页可以访问到更多的文档信息。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sagaj/ |
7. codd
- Codd is a statistical analysis tool for building and analyzing distributions of ownership/contribution data for software source packages. Codd is primarily designed to study the patterns in contributions from developers working on Open Source Software projects.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/codd/?topic_id=849 |
8. neo2squirrel
- neo2squirrel is a Perl script to convert Neomail addressbook and preferences to SquirrelMail. This is a "run once" script, to help you convert many users on your server from Neomail to SquirrelMail.
neo2squirrel是一个将Neomail地址本和参数转换成SquirrelMail的Perl脚本。这个一个“运行一次”的脚本,帮助你将你服务器上的Neomail用户转为SquirrelMail用户。 |
9. The Atropos (formerly AVNMP) Toolkit
- The Atropos (formerly AVNMP) Toolkit allows experimentation with predictive capability inside a network while the network is operating: this might be best described as 'in vitro' prediction experimentation. Its purpose is to facilitate experimentation towards addressing a severe limitation in state-of-the-art network management: current management techniques are reactive.
Atropos 工具集允许在运行的网络中进行预测能力测试。由于网络正在运行,这可以最恰当的描述为“试管“预测实验。它的目的是方便用于测试网络性能限制的实验,并使之达到一种艺术级的水平;当前的管理技术是交互性的。 |
10. deborphan
- About:
deborphan finds packages installed on your Debian/GNU system that have no other packages depending on them. Its primary goal (and default action) is to trace unused libraries. A dialog frontend, orphaner, is included in the package for easy removal of packages.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/deborphan/?branch_id=1795&release_id=174615 |
共有 170 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> |