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共有 74 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8>
1. QSS - Qmail-Scanner Statistics
- Qmail-Scanner Statistics (QSS) uses the Qmail-Scanner Logfile to generate daily, monthly, and yearly statistics. It also shows a complete list of viruses stopped by Qmail-Scanner, the top five domains from which the viruses came, as well as the countries
QSS - Qmail-Scanner Statistics使用Qmail-Scanner Logfile 来生成每天、每月、每年的统计信息。它也显示了完整的由Qmail-Scanner检查到的病毒,病毒来源的前5个域,以及国家。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qss/ |
2. base64 file encoder/decoder
- Very small utilities that encode/decodes files into/from base64 respectively. Completely written in Pure Pascal (from version 2) they should compile in every Pascal compiler known to man.
分别把文件编码为基64或从基64解码是很少用。它是完全用Pascal编写的,它可以用已知的Pascal编译器编译。 |
3. ClamSMTP
- About:
ClamSMTP is an SMTP filter that checks for viruses using ClamAV. It aims to be lightweight, reliable, and simple.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/clamsmtp/?branch_id=51691&release_id=171322 |
4. MIMEDefang
- MIMEDefang is a flexible MIME email scanner designed to protect Windows clients from viruses. However, it can do many other kinds of mail processing, such as replacing parts of messages with URLs, adding boilerplate disclaimers, and so on. It can alter or delete various parts of a MIME message according to a very flexible configuration file. It can also bounce messages with unacceptable attachments. MIMEDefang works with Sendmail 8.11/8.12's new "Milter" API.
MIMEDefang是一个灵活的 MIME邮件扫描仪,设计它来为Windows客户防毒。然而,它可以做很多其它类型的邮件处理,例如,替换有URL的信息部分,添加样板文件否认声明,等等。依照一个非常灵活的配置文件,它可以改变或删除一条MIME信息的不同部分。它也能用不可接受的附件弹回信息。MIMEDefang与Sendmail 8.11/8.12的新 "Milter" API一起工作。 |
5. SSpamM
- About:
Semi's Spam Milter (sspamm) is a spam filter for Sendmail that utilizes spambayes, heurestic spam filtering, and virus scanning (BitDefender, not included).
Semi's Spam Milter是Sendmail的垃圾邮件过滤器,其利用spambayes,垃圾邮件过滤器,以及病毒扫描(不包括BitDefender)。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/sspamm/?branch_id=49674&release_id=172912 |
6. MHonArc
- MHonArc is a Perl program for converting mail or news messages into HTML archives. It can also be used to convert individual messages into HTML documents. Other capabilities include robust MIME support and powerful user customization features.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/mhonarc/ |
7. Classifier4J
- Classifier4J is a java library that provides an API for automatic classification of text. The default (and only current) implementation of this API is a Bayesian classifier. This library can be used for multiple purposes - as a spam filter or a blog .
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/classifier4j/ |
8. Popsneaker
- Popsneaker is a mailfilter for remote filtering of POP3 email accounts. It is mostly useful for computers which have a dial-in connection to the internet. You can define rules to select emails, which you don't want to download to your local box. This is a simple and effective way to get rid of spam, advertisings and other kinds of unwanted mail.
Popsneaker 是一个用于POP3 邮件账户远程过滤的邮件过滤器。对于具有拨号交互式联结网络的计算机来说,它是非常有用的。你可以定义一些规则来选择你不想下载到本地邮箱的邮件。这是删除垃圾邮件、广告和其它不想要的邮件的一个简单而有效的方法。 |
9. qmail-spp
- About:
qmail-spp provides plug-in support for the qmail SMTP daemon (qmail-smtpd). It allows you to write external programs and use them to check SMTP command argument validity. The plug-in can trigger several actions, like denying a command with an error message, logging data, adding a header, and much more.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/qmail-spp/?branch_id=51683&release_id=173697 |
10. simscan
- About:
Simscan is a simple, efficient scanner program that works with qmail (with the QMAILQUEUE patch), ClamAV, and Spamassassin to reject viruses and spam. It can also block attachments.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/simscan/?branch_id=53125&release_id=172690 |
共有 74 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> |