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    1. phpeclipse - PHP, SQL, HTML, JTidy - Support for the Eclipse IDE Framework 2.1.1 (www.eclipse.org); Some Features are PHP parser, code formatter, outline view, templates ...(Programming Language: Java)
    PHP, SQL, HTML, JTidy   - 支持Eclipse IDE Framework 2.1.1 (www.eclipse.org),功能包括PHP编译器,编码格式程序,大纲视图,模板...(编程语言: Java)

    2. Galatea - The Galatea project's goal is to develop an Internet based artificial intelligent entity (Galatea). The goal is for people to be able to communicate and teach Galatea over the Internet, and for the Galatea to be able to crawl the web on its own to lear

    Galatea项目的目的是开发一个基于Internet的人工智能实体(Galatea)。其目的是让人们可以通过Internet进行通讯和教Galatea ,让Galatea能够在它自己的Web上爬行。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/galatea/ 

    3. Dashboard remote build monitor plugin - Dashboard is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse that provides immediate visual feedback of the status of a (remote) continuous integration build process directly in the editor. It initially works with Cruise Control (or vanilla Ant).

    Dashboard 是为IntelliJ IDEA 和 Eclipse提供的一个插件,可以将一个(远程)连续集成建造过程的状态反馈直接在一个编辑框中可视化地显示出来。它最初需要Cruise Control (或vanilla Ant)一起运行。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dashboard/ 

    4. Designer for Jasper - Designer for Jasper is a visual report designer for the Jasper Report writer.

    Designer for Jasper是为Jasper报表编写人员提供的一个可视化的报表设计器。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperdesign/ 

    5. SkunkDAV WebDAV Client - A WebDAV browser and remote file editing framework written in Java, including an RFC-2518-compliant WEBDAV client library with optional SSL support, a low-level DAV command-line client (written in JPython), and a built-in text editing component.

    这是一个用Java开发的WebDAV 浏览器和远程文件编辑框架,包括一个兼容RFC-2518的WEBDAV 客户端库,支持可选的SSL功能,一个低级的DAV命令行客户端(用JPython开发),一个内建的文本编辑组件。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/skunkdav/ 

    6. AFT - Anteater: Ant Functional Testing - Anteater is an Ant-based functional testing framework for Web applications and Web services.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/aft/ 

    7. jShopz Online Shop - jShopz is a Java based online shop system. It's Java coded strong architecture makes it first choice for projects where high cutomizability and performance are important. Database connection via JDBC. This version tested in a Linux / Apache environment.

    jShopz是一个基于Java的在线商店系统。它的Java编码的强体系结构使得它成为要求高度可定制性和性能重要的项目的首选。数据库连接使用JDBC。这个版本增加了在Linux / Apache 环境中的测试。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jshopz/ 

    8. Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine - ZVTM is a Zoomable (2.5D) User Interface toolkit implemented in Java, designed to ease the task of creating complex visual editors in which large amounts of objects have to be displayed, or which contain complex geometrical shapes that need to be animated

    Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine是一个用Java实现的Zoomable (2.5D) User Interface工具包,设计为简化创建复杂的可视化编辑器的任务,在这样的任务中要显示大量的对象,现时也包含了需要生成动画的复杂的几何形状。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zvtm/ 

    9. TINI Rapture - Rapture is a daemon application for the TINI platform. It acts in a similar way to a unix cron daemon with extra triggers for device arrival and departure.

    TINI Rapture是一个用于TINI平台的后台应用程序。它的功能类似于unix 的cron 后台程序,为设备设备连接和断开提供了额外的触发器。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinirapt/ 

    10. EJBSpaces - EJBSpaces is a simple JavaSpaces(tm) implementation that is accessed through a J2EE application server.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ejbspaces/ 

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