源码搜索 |
共有 689 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29> <30> <31> <32> <33> <34> <35> <36> <37> <38> <39> <40> <41> <42> <43> <44> <45> <46> <47> <48> <49> <50> <51> <52> <53> <54> <55> <56> <57> <58> <59> <60> <61> <62> <63> <64> <65> <66> <67> <68> <69>
1. PHP Surveyor
- Project aims to develop a fully functional Survey development & dataentry system. Including dataentry screen, public dataentry script, method for issuing tokens, emailing invitations & recording responses, basic statistical analysis and export facility
PHP Surveyor旨在开发一个功能完全的Survey开发和日期记录系统。包括日期输入屏幕,公共日期输入脚本,用于发布标识的方法,邮件发送邀请和记录响应,基本的统计分析和导出功能。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpsurveyor/ |
2. Phperl
- Phperl sets up a Webserver complete with PHP, Perl, MySQL, Mail & FTP servers. All of which can be controlled through a Control Panel. In addition it has the ability to run 5 sites.
Phperl建造一个带有完整PHP, Perl, MySQL, Mail & FTP服务器的Web服务器。所有这些可以通过一个控制面板来控制。此外,它可以运行5个站点。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phperl2/ |
3. Kagora
- Kagora is a web forum system, written in perl, using a MySQL database backend. It allows moderated forums. It has an intuitive and customizable interface, and support for many languages.
Kagora是一个用perl编成的Web论坛系统,使用一个MySQL后台数据库。它允许适量数量的论坛。它有一个直觉的和定制的界面,支持很多种语言。 |
4. Genetic Server
- Solving genetic algorithms in a distributed processing system. Developed in python with sockets.
Genetic Server解决一个分布式处理系统中的基因算法。用Python开发,使用了socket。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/geneticserver/ |
5. The Cog Engine Project
- The Cog Engine Project is aimed at simplifying the creation of online video games. The goal is to create a flexible and powerful online gaming engine whose format is simple enough for use by individuals with no programming experience.
The Cog Engine Project旨在简化在线视频游戏的创建。其目的是创建一个灵活的强大的在线游戏引擎,其格式要足够简单以供没有编程经验的个人用户使用。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cogengine/ |
6. UPC Generator
- This is a simple UPC generator program that can be modified for use within your own projects. I adapted this to create barcodes for our POS software.
来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=3992
这是一个简单的UPC生成器程序,它能通过修改用于你自己的项目中。我采用这个来为我们的POS软件生成条形码。 |
7. tkXMLiVE XML intelligence Visual Editor
- Visual XML editor. 100% pure TCL/TK application.
tkXMLiVE XML intelligence Visual Editor是一个可视化XML编辑器。100%纯TCL/TK应用程序。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkxmlive/ |
8. Todolist.php
- Todolist.php is a set of PHP scripts that creates a Web-based list of things todo. Items can be added and removed, and are sorted by an assigned priority. It is also possible to assign special tasks to another person and to specify a due date. Tasks are organized in projects. Todolist.php supports several languages.
来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/todolist.php/ |
9. Webrew - Web authoring in Hebrew
- Microsoft Word VBA macro to translate Hebrew documents to visual HTML files.
Webrew是一个Microsoft Word VBA宏,用于将Hebrew文档翻译成可可视化的HTML文件。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webrew/ |
10. Free Typographer
- Functions and libraries that correctly replaces standart quotes (inch sign) to the russian typographic quotes (?...?, etc), places non-breaking spaces where needed, etc.
Free Typographer是一组函数和库,用于正确地用标准引用(inch符号)取代对俄语印刷引用(?...?, 等),在需要的地方放置连续的空格,等。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/freetypo/ |
共有 689 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29> <30> <31> <32> <33> <34> <35> <36> <37> <38> <39> <40> <41> <42> <43> <44> <45> <46> <47> <48> <49> <50> <51> <52> <53> <54> <55> <56> <57> <58> <59> <60> <61> <62> <63> <64> <65> <66> <67> <68> <69> |