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    共有 916 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    1. eDonkey Monitor - eDonkey-monitor collects data of some central aspects of an edonkey server (package sonitor) or an edonkey/overnet client (package donitor) and presents this data in form of detailed time-graphs over a lean but visual appealing web-interface.

    eDonkey Monitor收集edonkey服务器(包监sonitor)或edonkey/overnet客户端(包donitor)的中央数据,并将这些数据按细节化的时间-图的形式通过Web接口可视化的显示。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/donitor/ 

    2. WebEngine - WebEngine is a fully featured site driver. It has a full fledged IM system, integrated Message Board software, incredible template capabilites, and a news system. It is easy to extend and is written in dependable Perl. The backend is in text, so you do
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/templateengine/ 

    3. Null Groupware - Null Groupware is a self-hosting web based groupware system written in c. It's portable, modular, and has a complete api for third party developers' extensions. Features include event scheduling, call tracking, contact management, web-based email.

    Null Groupware是一个用C语言编写的自容纳的基于Web的群件系统。它是可移植的,模块化的,为第三方开发人员的扩展提供了一个完整的API。其功能包括事件调度,调用跟踪,合同管理,基于Web的邮件。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nullgroupware/ 

    4. Contentment Web Content Manager - The Contentment Web Content Manager is a simple web content management system. It is intended to be easy to use, and is for people who want to quickly update pages. Once installed, a person can simply alter the design and content of the site through HTML forms.
    Contentment Web Content Manager是一个简单的Web目录管理系统。它旨在易于使用,使人们快速更新网页。在安装后,人们可以通过HTML窗体简单地修改设计和网站的目录。 

    5. FreeWPS - Free Web Publishing System? FreeWPS is free software. It is an open-source, PHP-based content management system, using an SQL backend for storing of content/site settings and HTML templates for page layout.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/athenacms/ 

    6. Open Source Directory - Open Source Directory - This is a SAMPLE of a near-perfect listing. *Notice that your product listing has "Active features" at the bottom which you may use for your product. For this SAMPLE I disabled the listing's forum capabilities and added the link to an offsite forum currently in use. Login, go to your product listing & click on "Product Admin" to fill in the details of your project like this sample.
    Open Source Directory-这是一个简单的接近完美的列表。通过按钮显示,提醒你的产品列表的“现在特性”。因此在使用不能展示论坛列表和加入新链接。登入,进入你的产品列表并点击“产品管理”来补充细节。 

    7. TownPortal - TownPortal is a community portal system for villages and local communities including home pages of local clubs, families, and businesses. It runs on the Midgard and Midgard Lite platforms.

    TownPortal是一个为村庄和本地社区提供的社区门户系统,包括本地俱乐部的房间页面,家庭,和业务。它在 Midgard 和Midgard Lite平台上运行。
    来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/townportal/?topic_id=92%2C897%2C243 

    8. bookmarker - bookmarker is a WWW based application for managing bookmarks. It allows multiple users to list, search, maintain, and create bookmarks. It is written in PHP using PHPLIB, which allows support for multiple databases. bookmarker includes functions to store URLs and send URLs via e-mail directly from your browser (quik-mark, mail-this- link) using javascript functions that link directly to the application.
    bookmarker是一个以WWW(万维网)为基础的管理书签的工具。它允许多个用户列名单、查找、维护和创建书签。它是用PHPLIB以PHP语言写成的,可以支持多种数据库。bookmarker包括储存和通过e-mail直接从浏览器(quik-mark,mail-this- 连接)发送URL的功能,用javascript功能直接和应用程序连接。 

    9. Lazy - Hypertext Views on Databases - Lazy is a language and a system to publish databases on the Web and to prototype full Web applications. It is based on the declarative specification of hypertext views. No imperative programming is required to create a database-backed web site.

    Lazy 是一个用于在Web上发布数据库的语言和系统,可以建立完整Web应用程序的原型。它基于超文本视图的声明规范。不需要编程就可以创建基于数据库的Web站点。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazy-x/ 

    10. Python Desktop Server - The Python Desktop Server is a combined Weblog authoring tool, XMLRPC/SOAP server, and news aggregator. It allows one to read RSS news feeds, post to a community server (such as Radio Userland or any Python Community Server installation), and includes tools for Weblog and homepage management. It features a Web interface, a built-in Web server, extensibility through scripts that connect via XMLRPC or macros, and a plugin architecture.
    Python Desktop Server是一个Web日志著作工具,XMLRPC/SOAP服务器以及新闻集合器组合。它允许人们阅读RSS新闻材料,向社区服务发信(就像收音机的用户收听或者任何一个Python社区服务装置),包括了用于Web日志和管理主页的工具。它的功能有,一个Web界面,一个内建的Web服务器,通过XMLRPC或者宏完成脚本连接的可扩展性,一个插件式的体系结构。 

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