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    共有 124 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    1. JFeedReader-fast and light news reader - JRssReader is a light, fast, Rss & RDF news reader written in Java. Works on lots of platforms and integrates especially well with Mozilla. You can open specific news items in new-tabs in mozilla, for example.

    JFeedReader-是一个用Java编写的轻型、快速的Rss & RDF 新闻阅读器。可以在许多平台上运行,尤其可以和Mozilla集成。例如,你可以在mozilla的新闻表中打开特定的新闻条目。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jfeedreader/ 

    2. enprt.csh - enprt.csh consists of a set of scripts and LaTeX files that provide the originating URL and the Page Title on Postscript printouts generated by Netscape Navigator running on UNIX-like OSes.
    enprt.csh由一套脚本和LaTeX文件组成,提供了原始的URL和由运行在类UNIX操作系统上的Netscape Navigator生成的Postscript打印输出的页面标题。

    3. Maverick.NET - Maverick.NET is a .NET port of Maverick, a Model-View-Controller framework for web publishing. It offers clean MVC separation, configurable transformation pipelines, an XML sitemap, i18n, and support for a wide range of templating and xform technologies.

    Maverick.NET是Maverick在.NET 下的移植,为Web发布提供了一个模型-视图-控制器框架。它提供了清晰的MVC划分,可配置的转换管道,一个XML站点地图,国际化,支持广泛的模板和xform技术。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mavnet/ 

    4. bookmarker - bookmarker is a WWW based application for managing bookmarks. It allows multiple users to list, search, maintain, and create bookmarks. It is written in PHP using PHPLIB, which allows support for multiple databases. bookmarker includes functions to store URLs and send URLs via e-mail directly from your browser (quik-mark, mail-this- link) using javascript functions that link directly to the application.
    bookmarker是一个以WWW(万维网)为基础的管理书签的工具。它允许多个用户列名单、查找、维护和创建书签。它是用PHPLIB以PHP语言写成的,可以支持多种数据库。bookmarker包括储存和通过e-mail直接从浏览器(quik-mark,mail-this- 连接)发送URL的功能,用javascript功能直接和应用程序连接。 

    5. Java port of Mozilla charset detector - Java port of Mozilla automatic charset detection algorithm. See...   http://www.mozilla.org/projects/intl/chardet.html for the details of the orginal code and Author.

    这是用Java实现的Mozilla 字符集检测器,访问http://www.mozilla.org/projects/intl/chardet.html 以获取源代码和有关作者的信息。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jchardet/ 

    6. Ace Operator - Ace Operator is an instant messaging call-center solution that can be accessed from Web pages. Using this product, online service providers can easily add a "live help" button to any or all of their Web pages, which gives online customers access to company representatives and allows them to exchange information in real-time.
    Ace Operator 是一种通过即时消息呼叫中心来从Web pages接近的解决方案。利用这种产品,在线服务的提供者可以非常简单的为他们的Web pages提供实时的帮助,同时也为在线的顾客提供了通往公司代表的渠道,并且允许他们实时的交换信息。 

    7. Ycad - Java CAD library - Ycad is a library of CAD functions in Java. Currently only DXF is supported for reading, viewing and writing. The DXF drawing may be rendered to a Graphics object for printing or imaging.

    Ycad 是一个在JAVA环境上的CAD函数库。目前只是支持对DXF的读写及浏览。DXF绘图会被交给一个图形对象,并将其印刷或成像。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ycad/ 

    8. tengis - tengis is a bookmarks manager that uses keywords to create a graph of bookmarks, which can then be used for searching. The advantage is that the user doesn't have to choose a single tree node to put his bookmarks in and searching is easier. The implementation binds with external Web browsers, and its file format is extremely simple.

    来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/tengis/?topic_id=91 

    9. KUMO - KUMO Web macro editor / recorder / compiler for .NET.

    这是为 .NET提供的KUMO Web宏编辑器/记录器/编译器。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kumo/ 

    10. HTTP Agent - HTTP Agent is a small PHP library for simplifying server-to-server GET and POST requests using HTTP 1.0 or 1.1.
    HTTP Agent是一个用于简化 HTTP 1.0 或 1.1的服务器-服务器的GET和POST请求的小型PHP库。

    共有 124 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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