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    共有 597 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    1. Manney - About:
    Manney was developed with the intention to provide a minimal resources to manage expenditures and incomes.



    2. RockSpace Physics Engine - RockSpace is a real-time, three-dimensional Newtonian physics engine, written in C++. It could be used in games, scientific simulations, or other applications.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rockspace/ 

    3. Moyoman - A Go-playing program written in Java. Extensive support for graphical inspection of internals of strategy generation algorithm.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/moyoman/ 

    4. gspi - gspi is a Guile-based interface to the GNOME AT-SPI. It allows querying of the GNOME desktop via a Scheme evaluator.
    gspi是一个GNOME AT-SPI下的基于Guile的界面。支持通过Scheme evaluator查询GNOME界面。 

    5. NativeCall - About:
    NativeCall lets developers call operating system methods from Java through an easy object-oriented API. It supports structs as well as calling methods in arbitrary modules.



    6. Prolog Image Processing - Prolog Image Processing is a (initially) MacOS based extension to OpenProlog which allows to use image processing function in the context of Prolog.

    Prolog Image Processing是一个(最初)基于MacOS的向OpenProlog的扩展,可以允许在Prolog环境中使用图像处理函数。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/proimpro/ 

    7. Roomba - Roomba aims to provide a complete PMS (Property Management System) and CRS (Central Reservation System) for hotels of all sizes. The product is a J2EE-based application. Please join our roomba-announce list! Searchterms: room booking software

    Roomba旨在为各种规模的旅馆提供一个完整的PMS (Property Management System) 和CRS (Central Reservation System)这个产品是基于J2EE的应用程序。请先加入我们的列表!搜索关键词:房屋订购软件。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/roomba/ 

    8. eBay Penguin - This is an eBay browser written in Visual Basic designed to help you keep track of all of your auctions.

    eBay Penguin是一个用Visual Basic编写的eBay浏览器,设计为帮助你跟踪你的所有拍卖。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebaypenguin/ 

    9. Xml Clipse - A plugin for Eclipse Platform for creating, viewing and editing XML documents. Will support XML schema definition and validation. Maybe also alternative presentation for some xml types.

    Xml Clipse是一个为Eclipse 平台提供的插件,用于创建、查看和编辑XML文档。支持 XML schema 定义和校验。也提供了某些XML类型的替换表达方法。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlclipse/ 

    10. The OpenNLP Leo Project - Leo is a project to provide an architecture for defining XML specifications of grammars for different natural language parsing systems and tools for using that architecture to permit sharing of grammar resources across different systems.

    OpenNLP Leo Project为定义不同自然语言分析系统的语法XML规范提供 一个体系结构,并提供使用这个体系结构的工具以在多个不同系统中进行语法资源的共享。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/leonlp/ 

    共有 597 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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