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共有 40 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4>
1. phpMyInventory
- phpMyInventory is a web-based hardware, software, and peripheral inventory system using PHP & MySQL. Please see the project homepage (http://phpmyinventory.sourceforge.net) for more details.
phpMyInventory是一个基于Web的硬件、软件和外设库存清单系统,使用PHP 和 MySQL。请查看项目主页(http://phpmyinventory.sourceforge.net)以获取更详细的信息。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyinventory/ |
2. mousikos
- mousikos is a portable music player manager for GNOME. It supports on-the-fly bit-rate peeling (Ogg to Ogg), re-encoding of MP3s and Oggs, and is based on playlists. It is designed to be able to support various types of portable music players.
mousikos是一个用于 GNOME的轻便的音乐播放机管理器。它支持on-the-fly 位速率peeling (Ogg 对 Ogg),MP3和 Ogg的重编码,它还基于播放清单。设计它来是能够支持各种类型的轻便的音乐播放机。 |
3. JFreeChart
- 该程序为硬件设计人员的要求而设计,主要用于生成嵌入设备的LCD显示汉字所用的汉字点阵和图形信息,也可以用在其它方面。
<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/getgbchar/">到这里下吧:GetGBChar</a> |
4. Efes
- The Efes hardware recognition and certification system is a graphical user interface able to run under (almost) every Linux distribution, so that the system administrator is assured that the underlying hardware is compatible with Linux.
来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/efes/?topic_id=146 |
5. PalmOrb
- Use your Palm PDA as a LCD on your computer. Can be used with most LCD software such as LCDproc. [A Matrix Orbital LCD device emulator for the Palm Computing Platform, suitable for use with LCDproc.]
PalmOrb可以将你的掌上电脑作为你的计算机的一个液晶显示器LCD。可以同大多数LCD软件一起使用,如 LCDproc。[为掌上计算平台提供了一个矩阵 Orbital LCD设备模拟器,适合于同LCDproc 一起使用。]
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/palmorb/ |
6. alarmwatch
- alarmwatch watches the lm_sensors /proc filesystem for the chips you specify, and alerts you by beeping and syslog messages when an alarm that is not ignored is active.
alarmwatch观察lm_sensors /proc 文件系统中你说明的片段,当一个不容忽视的警告出现时向你发现声音报警。 |
7. PHP SysInfo
- PHPSysInfo is a customizable PHP Script that parses /proc, and formats information nicely. It will display information about system facts like Uptime, CPU, Memory, PCI devices, SCSI devices, IDE devices, Network adapters, Disk usage, and more.
PHP SysInfo是一个可定制的PHP脚本,可以解析、处理和格式化信息。它将显示系统的相关信息,如正常运行时间,CPU,内存,PCI设备,SCSI设备,IDE设备,网络适配器,磁盘使用率,等等。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpsysinfo/ |
8. prtdiag
- prtdiag is a bash script that generates a report that describes the state of the hardware on the running machine. It does not actually acquire all of the information itself; it also relies heavily on other applications such as lspci, lm_sensors, and dmidecode to gather needed data.
prtdiag是一个bash 脚本,它产生了一个描述正在运行的机器上的硬件状态的报告。这个脚本本身不需要所有的信息;它也依靠其他的应用程序,(如lspci, lm_sensors,和dmidecode)来搜集需要的数据。 |
9. X10Controller
- Java control app for X10 CM11A/CM17A. Includes X10Server server-side app for Win, Linux, & Dallas Semi TINI. Support EEPROM /c dynamic reloadable time-of-day macros. Simple access protocol. Perl client & Java AWT X10Client for Sharp Zaurus, Win, & Linux.
X10Controller是为X10 CM11A/CM17A提供的Java控制应用程序。包括为Win, Linux, & Dallas Semi TINI提供的X10Server 服务器应用程序。支持EEPROM /c动态可重新加载的time-of-day 宏。简单的访问控制。Perl 为Sharp Zaurus, Win, & Linux提供的客户端和Java AWT X10 Client。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/x10controller/ |
10. auto-autofs
- Auto-autofs is a Perl script which searches block- devices (via /proc) and disk partitions (via fdisk). It works as an automounter program (autofs) and generates an HTML file for easy access to the devices.
auto-autofs是一个Perl脚本,它搜索块设备(via /proc)和磁盘划分(通过f盘)。它是一个自动装配程序 (autofs)并产生一个HTML 文件,用于对设备的简单访问。 |
共有 40 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> |