源码搜索 |
共有 76 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8>
1. DbtuTools
- A tool collection for IBM's DB2 UDB database.
一个用于IBM的DB2 UDB数据库的工具集。 |
2. AngelWing是运行linux上的一套c++库
- Angel Wing包含:
1. AngelWingConf
2. AngelWingLog
3. AngelWingProcess
4. AngelWingSecure
5. AngelWingString
下文将分别从[功能与特性]、[技术细节]、[函数与方法]、[例程]几个方面对详细功能及例程来说明。[例程]中所涉及的源代码及相关文件,都位于Angel Wing 目当的example目录中。如果您正确编译了Angel Wing,用同样的方法可以编译这么例程。为便宜阅读,本文件的Microsoft Word版本和pdf版本将使用绿色来标出函数或方法的申明,用红色来标出源代码与相关文档的文本正文。
详见包内readme |
3. DbtuFpsLib
- DbtuFpsLib
DbtuFpsLib is a library which helps you to process the output buffer of a snapshot taken with IBM DB2 UDB.
DbtuFpsLib 是一个库,它帮助你处理一个IBM DB2 UDB.的抽点打印的输出缓冲器。 |
4. Easy Struts plugins
- The goal of this project is to provide a bunch of tools, inside popular IDE as Eclipse v2.0, Borland JBuilder 5-6, in order to facilitate the developement of a web project based on Jakarta Struts framework.(keywords: MVC2, Struts, Eclipse, JBuilder, Java
Easy Struts plugins这个项目的目的提供一套工具,为在 Eclipse v2.0, Borland JBuilder 5-6这些流行的IDE中简化开发基于Jakarta Struts 框架的Web应用程序(关键词:MVC2, Struts, Eclipse, JBuilder, Java)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/easystruts/ |
The CERN Program Library is a large collection of general purpose programs maintained and offered in both source and object code form on the CERN central computers. Most of these programs were developed at CERN and are therefore oriented towards the needs of a physics research laboratory. Nearly all, however, are of a general mathematical or data-handling nature, applicable to a wide range of problems.
CERNLIB 程序库是一个大的综合目的的程序,它从CERN中心计算机上提供源和物体代码。这些程序的大多数都是在CERN被开发的,因此面向物理研究实验室的需要。但是,几乎所有的程序,都有综合数学或者处理数据的特性,能够使用很广。 |
6. AllDay
- AllDay is an application to manage, display and print calendrical and astronomical information such as different calendar systems, holidays, sun and moon. It is a true calendar rather than a scheduler.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/allday/ |
7. EasyMirror
- EasyMirror is an FTP mirror program written in C. It is powerful and easy to use, handles regular expressions, and will process remote ls-lR.gz-type index files to improve performance of scans.
EasyMirror是一个 FTP镜式程序,用C编写。它是强大的易用的,处理正规表达式,并将处理远程 ls-lR.gz-type索引文件以便提高扫描的执行。 |
8. Pandora
- Pandora is a distributed monitoring & perforance system for open Systems: it supports ANY operating system for monitor numeric parameters or boolean states. It has a centralized architecture based on lightweight desing for agents (shellscript, wsh, perl
Pandora是为开放系统提供的一个分布式监视和性能系统:支持任意的操作系统,可以监视数量参数或布尔状态。它具有一个中央式的体系结构,基于轻量级的为代理(shellscript, wsh, perl)提供的设计。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pandoramon/ |
9. Typhoon
- Typhoon
Typhoon is a relational database management system. It was originally inspired by Raima's db_VISTA (today Raima Data Manager) but is relational rather than network based. Typhoon lacks some of db_VISTA's features, but also contains a number of nice features not found in db_VISTA.
Typhoon是一个关系数据库管理系统。它最初是由Raima's db_VISTA (今天的Raima 数据管理)得到灵感的,但是它是相关的而不是基于网络的。它缺少一些db_VISTA 的特性,但是也包括一些db_VISTA里没有的好的特性。 |
10. SNNS
SNNS (Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator) is a software simulator for neural networks on Unix workstations developed at the Institute for Parallel and Distributed High Performance Systems (IPVR) at the University of Stuttgart. The goal of the SNNS project is to create an efficient and flexible simulation environment for research on and application of neural nets.
SNNS是一个在unix工作站上的软件中枢网络模拟器,它是被Stuttgart.大学的平行和高分布学院开发的。snns项目的目的是为研究和中枢网络应用创造一个高效和灵活的处理器环境。 |
共有 76 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> |