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    1621. GnuWin32-hello - GnuWin32-hello provides Win32-versions of GNU tool,or same with tools with a similar open source licence.   The ports are native ports, that is they rely only on libraries provided with any 32-bits MS-Windows operating system, such as MS-Windows 95 / 98 / 2000 / NT / XP
    GnuWin32-hello 提供了Win32版本的GNU工具hello,或者是一个遵守类似开源协议的与hello类似的工具。移植是本地化的移植,即它只依赖随32位MS-Windows操作系统(如MS-Windows 95 / 98 / 2000 / NT / XP)提供的程序库.

    1622. OpenORB Community Project - This is a open, community based project based on a fork of the original Exolab OpenORB project providing a complete CORBA ORB, services and supporting facilities under an open management model, embracing individuals, industrial and academic contributions.

    OpenORB Community Project这是一个为开放的社区提供的项目,基于原始的Exolab OpenORB 项目,提供了一套完整的CORBA ORB,在开放的管理模型之上提供服务和支持功能,帮助增强个人、公司和学术机构的功能。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openorb/ 

    1623. Reformatting Microsofts Wizard/Template - Reformatting Microsoft's Wizard/Template Generated Project Files.
    重新定制 Microsoft\'s Wizard/Template Generated Project Files.
    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/atl/ATLTemplateReformatting.html 

    1624. photoarchive - This program allows you to organize your personal photos into web album. All data (including pictures) will be stord in mySQL database. The program is written in PHP. You can upload, edit, categorize and view pictures via WWW interface.

    photoarchive这个程序可以让你将你的个人图片组织成Web册。所有的数据(包括图片)将保存在一个mySQL 数据库中。这个程序是用PHP编写的。你可以通过WWW界面来上传、编辑、分类和查看图片。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/photoarchive/ 

    1625. Getting file size in desired units using - The objective of the sample project is to retrieve the size of any file selected by the user in any of the memory units selected by the user. The user is presented a form which has a command button called 'Choose File or Folder'. When he clicks this button, he is shown the browse for folder dialog from which he selects either a file or a folder name. On selecting the file/folder name, the full path of the selected file or folder is displayed in the textbox to the right of the button. Alternatively, the user can type the full path of the file/folder whose filesize he wants to know. On a valid selection of a file/folder name, the user chooses from a frame, the desired memory units in which he wishes to retrieve the file size and finally clicks the 'Get File Size' button. The user is shown the full path and the size of the selected file in desired units in a message box.

    这个项目的目的是获取按户选定的内存单位显示的用户选择的文件的大小。提供了一个窗体,上面有一个标识为 'Choose File or Folder'的按钮。当点击这个按钮后,用户可以在一个对话框中选择一个文件或目录。在选择了文件/目录之后,其完整的路径名显示在按钮右边的文本框中。此外,用户也可以输入想要知道大小的文件或目录的完整路径。在有效选择了文件或目录后,用户还要选择想要检索文件大小的内存单位,最后点击'Get File Size'。程序会在一个消息窗口中为用户显示完整的路径和按所选单位计算的文件大小。
    来源: http://visualbasic.ittoolbox.com/code/d.asp?d=1501&a=s 

    1626. vCard PHP Parser - vCardPHP parses a vCard file and displays the results as a Web page. Many address book programs export their data as a vCard file such as gnomecard and the Palm desktop.

    vCard PHP Parser可以分析一个vCard 文件,并将结果显示为一个Web页面。许多地址簿程序可以将他们的数据导出为一个vCard 文件,如gnomecard 和Palm 桌面程序。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vcardphp/ 

    1627. Read Registry - Shows how to get user info from the registry.
    来源: http://www.extreme-vb.net/download.php?op=viewdownload&cid=6 

    1628. proFTPd Admin - A web-based user and group management tool for proFTPd with MySQL-authentication. Other features include logging directly to database, generating user statistics based on those logs and displaying some basic information about the underlying operating sys

    proFTPd Admin是一个基于Web的用户和群管理工具,为proFTPd 提供了MySQL鉴别功能。其它的功能包括直接数据库日志,基于日志生成用户统计信息,显示有关操作系统底层的基础信息。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/proftpd-adm/ 

    1629. Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol - this article is related to some of my findings regarding Asynchronous Pluggable Protocols (APPs). I came up with an idea for a piece of code whereby I could create some functionality that would sit between Internet Explorer and the HTTP protocol such that I could monitor and audit the traffic. After much research I discovered the Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol technology that allows one to create a protocol scheme (eg, much like http:, file:, etc) and that the architecture was extensible and flexible enough to introduce new schemes. To gain some exposure to the architecture I decided to create a simple protocol scheme (app:) that would retrieve an HTTP page. The code samples you will see merely demonstrate a simple request using WinInet (not MFC) and using callbacks for asynchronous operation.

    这个项目关于异步可插协议Asynchronous Pluggable Protocols (APPs)。我设想出一些代码,这样我创建了一些Internet Explorer 和HTTP协议的使用应用,这样我可以用它们监视和监听流量。在经过研究之后,我发现 Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol 技术可以让用户创建一个协议模式(如 http:, file:,等等),以及可以引入新模式的可扩展的和灵活的体系结构。为了演示这一体系结构,我决定创建一个简单的协议模式 (app:) ,它可以检索HTTP页面。代码例子演示了一个使用 WinInet (not MFC) 的简单请求,以及使用回调技术来完成异步回调。
    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/atl/asyncpp.shtml 

    1630. JAutoCombo - About:
    JAutoCombo is an auto-complete combo box for Java applications. The control is easy to use and does not require writing any code. Place it in a container, and it will do the rest automatically.



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