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    1081. bookmarker - bookmarker is a WWW based application for managing bookmarks. It allows multiple users to list, search, maintain, and create bookmarks. It is written in PHP using PHPLIB, which allows support for multiple databases. bookmarker includes functions to store URLs and send URLs via e-mail directly from your browser (quik-mark, mail-this- link) using javascript functions that link directly to the application.
    bookmarker是一个以WWW(万维网)为基础的管理书签的工具。它允许多个用户列名单、查找、维护和创建书签。它是用PHPLIB以PHP语言写成的,可以支持多种数据库。bookmarker包括储存和通过e-mail直接从浏览器(quik-mark,mail-this- 连接)发送URL的功能,用javascript功能直接和应用程序连接。 

    1082. Running Worker Thread in C - Shows how you can run a worker thread which makes synchronous calls to the user interface (for example, thread reads a long recordset and fills some control in the form).

    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/cs_syntax/WorkerThread.html 

    1083. Apache Tomcat - The goal of the Jakarta Project is to provide commercial-quality server solutions based on the Java Platform that are developed in an open and cooperative fashion. Tomcat 3.x is an implementation of the Java Servlet 2.2 and JavaServer Pages 1.1 Specifications. Tomcat 4.x is an implementation of the Java Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer Pages 1.2 Specifications, and is a re-implementation of the Tomcat servlet engine from the ground up
    Jakarta 项目的目标是要提供商业性能的基于Java平台的服务解决方案,它们以开放的,合作的方式被开发。Tomcat 3.x 是Java Servlet 2.2 和JavaServer Pages 1.1 规范的实现。Tomcat 4.x 是 Java Servlet 2.3 和 JavaServer Pages 1.2 规范的实现,也是Tomcat servlet引擎的重构。 

    1084. Kimberlite - Kimberlite is a high-availability clustering solution for Linux. It is based on a shared storage architecture, and supports applications such as NFS, Oracle, sendmail, etc. It has the strongest data integrity guarantees of any clustering solution, all on commodity hardware, distribution neutral.

    Kimberlite是Linux的一个高可用性的群集解决方案。它基于一个共享的存储体系结构,支持的应用程序有NFS, Oracle, sendmail,等待。它具有最强的数据完整性以确保任何的群集解决方案,所有的数据都在日用硬件上,分布中立性。
    来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/kimberlite/?topic_id=141 

    1085. 4Hexillion Color Combinations - 4Hexillion Color Combinations - There are LOTS of 16 million color pickers out there. Many of them are slow. Most of them only show one color at a time. Colors on web pages do not exist alone. How they look together is very important. See three colors together. Hex or decimal numbers
    4Hexillion Color Combinations 在那里有16 million(百万)种颜色。大部分很慢,大部分一次只显示一种颜色。在WEB页上颜色不单独显示。他们怎么混合的就变得很重要。看三种颜色混合。16进指或10进指。 

    1086. EyAngband - EyAngband is a variant of the Roguelike game Angband. It's goal is to add new gameplay and interface features while retaining game balance.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/eyangband/ 

    1087. Apache Log Viewer - Apache Log Viewer is a Tcl/Tk program which is used to open and display Apache access logs with the common variable set up. It outputs a hit graph to a text editable window and to a data table.
    Apache Log Viewer是一个Tcl/Tk程序,可用来打开和显视Apache访问日志,这些日志用通常的变量建立。它支持图表,可编辑文本的窗口,和数据表。 

    1088. Registry Manipluation .DLL - Read and write Strings, DWords and binary arrays to the registry. Get lists of keys and or values stored in the registry. Test for the existence of keys. Includes a sample client application and documentation in HTML Help Format.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=2887

    1089. Open Repository of Bugs - Open Repository of Bugs (orBug) is a small, easy-to-use bug repository written in Perl. It uses MySQL for database functionality.
    Open Repository of Bugs是一个小型易用的错误仓库,用Perl开发,有MySQL作为数据库系统。 

    1090. RealTimeBattle - RealTimeBattle is a programming game, in which robots controlled by programs are fighting each other. The goal is to destroy the enemies, using the radar to examine the environment and the cannon to shoot.

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/realtimebattle/ 

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