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    3431. Enhanced Flex Grid Control - This UserControl enhances the functionality of the MSFlexGrid control. The major improvement is the ability to easily set the control to display the contents of a table in a DAO database automatically (it would not be much work to make this work with ADO). Other enhancements include a property that control whether or not the contents of the flexgrid are editable.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=2776 

    3432. cdpr - cdpr (Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter) shows the switch and port that a machine is connected to, provided that the device supports CDP. It can also optionally decode the full CDP packet. cdpr was written to help network/system administrators find out about the equipment that a machine is connected to. This is done by capturing and decoding a Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) packet.
    cdpr 展示了与机器连接的交换和接口,假如此器件支持cdp. 她也只能选择性的对整个CDP包进行解码。cdp是用来帮助网络或系统管理员检查 与机器连接的装置。这都是通过捕获和解码cdp包来完成的。 

    3433. Race - 3D car game - Race is a 3D car game using the Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) for physics.

    Race 是一个3D赛车游戏,使用Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)引擎作生成物理模型。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/race/ 

    3434. FuseBox OpenForums - An open source web forum application, allowing pluggable styles and administration modules. And, of course, it's free.
    FuseBox OpenForums是一个开放源码的论坛程序,允许插入样式和管理员模块。而且,当然它是免费的。 

    3435. Sophisticated Equation Processor - This is the third equation parser on the site; the other two are at http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=727 and http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1263. As compared to those, this one is a bit more advanced and sophisticated, as it allows for solving a wide set of trigonometric equations in addition to parsing simple mathematical expression. Included is a simple client of the class that was added by Dean Dusenbury (who also fixed some bugs in the code, thanks, Dean).
    这是这个站点上第三个方程语法分析程序;其它的两个在http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=727和http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1263上可以找到。不同于那两个,这个更加高级和成熟,因为它除了剖析简单的数学表达式之外还能用来解决很多三角法的方程。包括了一个简单的这个类的客户端,由Dean Dusenbury(他还解决了这个代码中的一些错误,谢谢,Dean)增加的。
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1285 

    3436. Pyslice - Pyslice provides utility functions for parametric modeling. It creates data sets based on a configuration file and a series of template files, then runs a model against each data set. It tracks each model's progress, keeping the total number of concurrent model runs under a limit established by the user. It is useful for running many model runs on a Beowulf cluster, or for control of the model runs on single processor machines.

    3437. Transparent Picture Box - This code shows how to use the PaintPicture function to create a transparent picture box. There are two picture boxes on a form. The picture box in the center has a white line to show it's position. Drag the picture box around the inside of the back box. This is a sample of how to drag an object without using the drag mode or drag events. The back picture is redrawn on the front picture as it is moved.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1903 

    3438. Birthright Turn Processing Utility - Utility to help run Birthright role-playing games. The program tracks all aspects of a turn as well as creation of web pages used to display character information.
    Birthright Turn Processing Utility是一个帮助运行Birthright角色扮演游戏的工具。程序使用turn 的各个方面,可以创建用于显示字符信息的Web页面。

    3439. Infix to Postfix - This is the JavaScript Implementation of converting an Infix(Inorder) expression to Postfix(Postorder) expression.

    Infix to Postfix这个 JavaScript 可以实现将中序表达式转换为后序表达式。
    来源: http://java.ittoolbox.com/code/d.asp?d=1972&a=s 

    3440. PyPolyhedron - PyPolyhedron is a Python interface to cddlib, a C implementation of the Double Description Method for generating all vertices (i.e., extreme points) and extreme rays of a general convex polyhedron given by a system of linear inequalities.
    PyPolyhedron是一个为cddlib提供了Python接口,这是Double Description Method的一个C实现,用于计算所有最高点(如,极值点)和一个普通凸多面体(由一个线性不等式系统给出)的最高边线。 

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