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共有 264 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27>
1. Database access class
- Database access class
Database access class is a PHP class for interchanging data between databases and forms. Features include inserting a new row into a database table with data from forms, loading form fields from database table row, updating database table rows from form fields., deleting database table rows with criteria defined by values from form field。
Database access class 是一个PHP类,用于在数据库和表格中相互交换。它的特性包括使用表格中的数据在一个数据库表格里插入一个新行,从数据库表格行中下载表格域,从表格域中更新数据库表格行,根据表格域值所定义的标准来删除数据库表格行。
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2. Topicana
- Topicana is a Web forum written in Perl. It requires MySQL for its database.
Topicana是一个用Perl写的 Web 论坛,需要MySQL 支持。 |
3. Darkbot
- Darkbot
Darkbot, The IRC Talking Robot, is a very fast and small program which connects to IRC and automatically "talks" and responds to users' questions. Originally created by Jason Hamilton as an aid for help channels to answer repeated questions from its virtually unlimited database, it has became a very popular talking robot in a generic sense, being used all over IRC networks for different purposes and in 17 languages.
Darkbot   是IRC 说话遥控设备,是一个非常快速和小巧的连接IRC的程序,可以自动“发音”并且回答用户的问题。起先它是由Jason Hamilton作为通道的助手来回答从实际上非常有限的数据库中重复的问题而创造的,一般来说它成为了一个非常流行的说话自动服务程序,已经被所有的IRC 网络为不同的目的所应用并且可用于17种语言。 |
4. Newsroom
- The Newsroom is an addon module for the Falken BBS Software for Linux. The Newsroom allows the Sysop to post messages in a file called, newsroom.dat which is a standard ASCII type of file, and can easily be modified by the Sysop, or by anyone who has correct permissions set up. The messages that are posted by the Sysop remain to be displayed to everyone, until the Sysop elects to remove the message, or the messages from the datafile. With, or without any messages, a brief display of the header will appear when The Newsroom finishes up, and exits to the BBS.
Newsroom是一个Linux下Falken BBS Software的模板。 Newsroom允许系统管理员以newsroom.dat(标准ASCII 文件)的文件名发布信息,修改信息。除非从数据库中被删除,否则每个人都能看到信息管理员发布的信息。离开Newsroom 时,一个简短的报头会显示出来。 |
5. IPTables-tutorial
- IPTables-tutorial is a tutorial which explains how to install and set up iptables and netfilters on Linux. It takes you through a usable example file step by step, and helps you understand its basic functionality. The tutorial currently contains 6 different example scripts that may be used freely under GPL licensing terms.
来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/iptables-tutorial/?topic_id=151%2C150%2C43 |
6. MetaBoss
- MetaBoss is an integrated suite of tools for design, development and management of software systems through modelling. It utilises MDA (Model Driven Architecture) concepts and is primarily oriented at enterprises using Java based tools and technologies.
MetaBoss 是经过建模的软件系统的设计,开发和管理的一套组合工具。它主要涉及MDA(模式驱动结构),也基本起源于使用java基本工具和技术的企业设计方面。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/metaboss/ |
7. phphelper
- phphelper - This is a program written in TCL/TK to help learn and write php. With a list of all the php funtions. It can be quite usefull while trying to figure out exactly what function to use.
phphelper-这是一个TCL/TK写的用来帮助或写PHP的程序。通过PHP功能列表,当试图掌握各种功能的具体用处时将会非常有用。 |
8. SiteNet BBS
- SiteNet BBS lets you add a full set of professional and attractive forums to your Web site with ease. It features support for unlimited forums, moderation, uploading of user images, user profiles, optional user registration, emoticons, email notification, and many other features. It comes with extensive admin and moderator admin panels to manage all aspects of your forums. A special setup interface ensures easy installation.
SiteNet BBS 允许你方便的在你的Web 上设置专业的论坛。支持多论坛,上传图象,用户信息,用户注册,emoticons,email 提醒和其他特性。允许通过扩展管理或普通管理面板管理论坛。特殊的安装界面使安装过程简单方便。 |
9. QScintilla
- QScintilla is a port of the Scintilla C++ editor class to the Qt GUI toolkit.
QScintilla是Scintilla C++编辑器类到Qt GUI工具集的移植版本。
来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/qscintilla/?topic_id=63%2C851%2C912 |
10. SimpleForum
- SimpleForum is a forum that is designed to work on all HTTP servers which support CGI. It is very easy to configure, and does not require the user to have knowledge of any programming language. It has all the basic functions that a forum should have and a lot more. Additionally, it allows you to change the appearance of the forum (font, font color/size, background color/image, etc.) to your liking. You can also set different languages.
SimpleForum 是一个支持CGI的的可以运行在所有 HTTP 服务器上的论坛。配置简单,不需要任何编程知识,包括所有论坛该有的功能。此外,允许用户改变论坛外观,多语言支持。 |
共有 264 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> |