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    1431. Read And Write From INI File Demo - Demo of how to read from and write to .ini file using GetPrivateProfileString and WritePrivateProfileString APIs for beginners.
    为初学者演示了如何使用GetPrivateProfileString和WritePrivateProfileString APIs来读取和编写.ini文件。
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=4578 

    1432. Simple INI ReadWrite Module - This module allows you to read and write keys and values to .ini files using the GetPrivateProfileString and WritePrivateProfileString family of API functions. A sample clients is included. Good for cases where you need basic .ini functionality but don't want to deal with declaring and calling the API functions.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=2035

    1433. Read a Text Files Contents Using System. - This simple demo illustrates how to read a text file in VB.NET using the FileStream and StreamReader objects from the VB.NET System.IO library.
    这个简单的图例演示了如何在VB.NET中使用它的系统IO库中的FileStream 和StreamReader对象来读取一个文本文件。
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=2014 

    1434. POP3 Client to List Emails and Delete Th - This application allows you to login into a POP3 server, list all e-mails on that server and delete the e-mails of your choice off the server. This is a great tool for a number of purposes, such as screening for spam. The application as written does not display the message body, but because messages are encapsulated into a CMessage class which includes a MessageBody property, it would be easy to add this functionality.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=3403

    1435. Drag and Drop Demo - This is a simple demo application illustrating the use of the OLE Drag Drop method. It contains a list box, from which you can drag items to a user-defined recycle bin. The recycle bin can be emptied, and items from it can be restored.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1874 

    1436. Datadump - Datadump is an application for Creating DataDump Text File Along With SQL Script [Insert Statements] From Any Accessible SQL Server Database For Saving (Data Backup) And Restoring Data. Can Be Used For Uploading Data To Remote Server Using Query Analyzer

    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/datadump/ 

    1437. Redmake - Redmond's mistake now has a solution. Redmake can scan Visual Basic Project files, create makefiles and manage your build process.

    Redmond的错误现在已经有了一个解决方案。Redmake可以扫描Visual Basic项目文件,创建makefile,以及管理你的创建过程。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/redmake/ 

    1438. ShutDown,Logout,ReBoot and <-----Force - Ability To Shutdown,Logout & Reboot your PC and also to Force all of the above with out asking to save can be used to force a user only to use the pc for a period of time.

    来源: http://visualbasic.ittoolbox.com/code/d.asp?d=1888&a=s 

    1439. Drawing Lines to Grid Points, with Snap - This demo app contain a form module with code .
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1240

    1440. Database Operations Using Automatically - This is demo application that demonstrates powerful database functionality of database class automatically generated by CLASSter 2.0. Demo is for MS SQL Server, but CLASSter supports now MS Access, Sybase and Oracle server. Powerful features implemented by class - executing stored procedures, parameterized SQLs, multiple recordsets, batch execution, XML processing. The class code shows full implementation of these features.
    这是一个演示应用程序,演示了由CLASSter 2.0自动生成的强大的数据库类的功能。演示程序用于MS SQL服务器,但是CLASSter支持now MS Access, Sybase和Oracle服务器。由类实现的强大功能包括-可执行的存储过程,参数化的SQL,多个recordsets,批执行,XML处理。这个类代码展示了这些功能的完整实现过程。
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=4282 

    共有 2837 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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