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    2081. Complete Text Editor based on TextPad - ElitePad is complete word processing application. It has all standard and advanced functions needed by any Text Editor. It has more functions than Windows WordPad, including:
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=2026
    ElitePad是完全的字处理程序。它具有任何一个文本编辑者所需的标准的和先进的功能。它比Windows WordPad具有更多功能。 

    2082. Skinnable Forms in Excel/Other Excel Tec - Learn how to make skinable forms in MS Excel and see what else can Excel do except calculating. This application is an assebmly of MS Excel tips & Tricks. I personally reccomend you to check this code out, bacause I will show you many things you have never seen in MS Excel.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=5975
    学习在MS Excel中如何建立可换肤的窗体,以及察看除了计算外,Excel还能做什么。这个程序是MS Excel tips & Tricks的一个集合。我个人向你推荐检验这个代码,因为我将向你展示你所未见的很多MS Excel中的事物。 

    2083. Registry Cleaner - If we compile a VB project in project compatibility and no compatibility mode, the VB environment generates GUIDs based on our modification. A typical VB COM developer machine environment often is filled with a lot of unused GUIDs. Unregistering COM objects by regsvr32 wouldn't remove all the Registry keys. This tool solves that problem by removing all the unwanted Registry keys.

    如果我们分别按兼容与不兼容两种模式编译一个VB项目,VB环境会基于我们修改生成GUID。一个典型的 VB COM 开发环境于许多没有使用过的 GUID组成。没有使用 regsvr32 注册过的COM对象不能删除所有的注册键。这个工具通过删除所有不需要的注册键以解决这个问题。
    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/activex/RegClean.html 

    2084. Desktop Magnifier - A realtime maginifyer of what is currently displayed on the screen. Contains realtime zoom and shrink, and separate x/y scaling via horizontal and vertical scrollers. Fast and system-resource friendly.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=2494
    Desktop Magnifier是一个实时放大镜,经常在屏幕上出现。包括了实时放大,缩小,通过水平的垂直的滚动条进行单独的x/y缩放比例。快速及友好的系统资源。 

    2085. Get IP - Shows how to get an ip and machine name.
    来源: http://www.extreme-vb.net/download.php?op=viewdownload&cid=3 

    2086. Recycle It - Allows you to delete a file and move it to the recycle bin so that the user can get it back again if they wish.

    Recycle It可以让你删除一个文件,或者将它移动它回收站,这样用户可以在以后愿意时再恢复这个文件。
    来源: http://www.zarr.net/vb/download/codedetail.asp?code=179 

    2087. Locating Desktop Icon Positions Using Me - Problem:
    Using Sendmessage with LVM_GETITEMPOSITION causes page faults in Explorer.
    Using memory-mapped files to do the cross process messaging needed.
    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/vb_shell/1803.shtml 

    2088. Clear Menu - This shows how to use the GetSystemMenu API call. When the command button is clicked it clears the title bar.

    Clear Menu这个程序演示了使用 GetSystemMenu API 调用。当点击命令按钮后,它可以清除标题条。
    来源: http://www.extreme-vb.net/download.php?op=viewdownload&cid=10 

    2089. Note Saver - This small progam stops you always forgetting things by having a small form where you can enter notes at keep on your desktop to remind you.

    Note Saver可以让你避免再忘记些事情,给你在桌面上提供了一个小表单,可以记录你的笔记。
    来源: http://www.zarr.net/vb/download/codedetail.asp?code=48 

    2090. native subclassing in VB5 - A simple little demo of how to do native subclassing in VB5 (or higher). Includes a drop-in module, MHookMe.bas, that's ideal for inclusion in your Templates folder. Add this module to any project, copy a few lines from it to a form, class, or usercontrol, and you're ready to start reacting directly to window messages.

    Important Note: You must edit one line of MHookMe before anything will work. That's the way it is. Please read the comments before e-mailing me, okay? <g>

    注意:在运行前,你必须编辑MHookMe 这一行。这是必须的,在给我发邮件前,请阅读注释,好吗?
    来源: http://www.mvps.org/vb/ 

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