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    2521. Star Field - This is an example of a moving star field on your form.
    来源: http://www.extreme-vb.net/download.php?op=viewdownload&cid=10&min=20&orderby=titleA&show=10 

    2522. Animate Web Pages and Email Using MS-Age - These 2 VBScripts allow the users to create INSTANT Animated MS Agent Email and Web Pages or add MS Agent to web pages in a matter of minutes. Please open these scripts in a browser and view their source (or open them in a text editor) for installation and usage instructions; in addition, read the text files EmailDoc.txt and WebPageDoc.txt for instructions on how to use them for e-mails and web pages respectively.
    这两个VB脚本允许用户创建即时动画MS Agent邮件和Web页面,或在几分钟内在Web页面中增加MS Agent。请在一个浏览器打开这些脚本,察看它们的源码(或者在一个文本编辑器中打开它们),获得安装和用法介绍;另外,阅读这些文本文件(EmailDoc.txt和WebPageDoc.txt)可获得如何将它们单独用于邮件和web页面的介绍。
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1192 

    2523. Dead Bolt JT - This program will protect a computer from use by unwanted users. It disables all combinations of key strokes. If a user tries to tamper with the program, it will automatically shutdown the computer. This program is very easy to use and instructions are included. This code was originally written by Joseph Stone. He can be reached at [email protected]

    Dead Bolt JT这个程序可以保护计算机不受恶意用户的破坏。它禁止所有组合键的使用。如果一个用户试图破坏一台计算机,它会自动关闭计算机。这个程序易于使用,包括了说明。代码最初由Joseph Stone开发,可以通过[email protected]联系他。
    来源: http://visualbasic.ittoolbox.com/code/d.asp?d=1378&a=s 

    2524. Double Lists - This isn't a stunningly fantastic bit of code, but quite its useful and found in several applications. Its contains the methods and what you need to do to move individual items or the whole contents of one listbox to another and vice-versa.

    Double Lists虽然不是一段非常漂亮的代码,但它十分有用,在多个应用程序中都可以发现它。你可以在两个列表框之间移动条目或整个内容。
    来源: http://www.zarr.net/vb/download/codedetail.asp?code=38 

    2525. Inside SQL Server 2000 from MS Press: Sa - Inside SQL Server 2000 from MS Press: Sample Chapter
    这个程序介绍了SQL Server 2000的一些知识。
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=3056 

    2526. Slurp - Uses the vbInet ActiveX EXE server to slurp a user-supplied list of URLs from the internet to local storage. This is one I wrote for my own use, and is handy to grab all the files linked to from any given web page without going through the motions of clicking on each link, supplying a download location, and generally wasting time. It also serves as a mini-tutorial in one use of vbInet (and is also included in that download).

    这个例子使用ActiveX EXE服务器接受用户提供的从Internet到本地存储的URL列表。这是我自己写的一个程序,可以方面地获取给定页面中的任意链接指向的文件,而不用点击每个链接,提供了一个下载位置,通常是很费时间的。它也可以作为一个小型的vbInet的教程(也包括在下载文件中)。
    来源: http://www.mvps.org/vb/ 

    2527. Tray - One of the first demos to show how to properly put your 32-bit VB app in the taskbar tray. No hokey mouse messages here. The VB4 demo properly uses a subclassing control to hook the appropriate messages. Also learn how to avoid troubles with popup menus and dialogs.

    来源: http://www.mvps.org/vb/ 

    2528. Syntax Highlighting Textbox Control - A UserControl based on the RichTextBox that does color syntax highlighting for VBScript code. Consists of just one file that can easily be added to your project.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=4136 

    2529. XML Parser Written Entirely in VB - If you don't want the overhead of installing the MsXml redistributable, you can incorporate this component into your code to allow you fundamental XML parsing capabilities. A client XML browser which makes use of the component is included. Comments or questions, mail to [email protected].
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1455 

    2530. NetUser - Demonstrates the hoops you must jump through to get VB to call the NetXXX functions. Includes a CNetUser class that fully exercises NetUserGetInfo, NetUserGetGroups, and NetUserGetLocalGroups, returning the information found in USER_INFO_3 and GROUP_INFO_2. Also shows how to call the Unicode versions of GetUserName and GetComputerName. Custom functions provide Unicode and numeric data found at the end of pointers returned by unfriendly APIs.

    NetUser演示了用VB来调用NetXXX 函数。包括了一个CNetUser 类,它完全使用了NetUserGetInfo,   NetUserGetGroups, and NetUserGetLocalGroups, 返回USER_INFO_3 和 GROUP_INFO_2中提供的有关信息。也演示了调用Unicode 版本的GetUserName 和 GetComputerName。定制的函数提供了在终端打印机由不友好的API返回的Unicode 和数字数据。
    来源: http://www.mvps.org/vb/ 

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