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    共有 2836 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    1891. Linear Data Structures: Stack, Queue, an - This module implements stacks, queues, and ordered lists, each of which are different algorithms for implementing a list. A sample application which uses the module is included.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=3529 

    1892. chat ActiveX control - chat control for use with web site (Windows 2000)
    来源: http://visualbasic.ittoolbox.com/code/d.asp?d=1900&a=s 

    1893. ...ooo000 Modem Thing ZIPPED VERSION! 00 - Turns your modem on and off a number of times that you define. God code for someone who is pissing you off!

    1894. Evaluation Class that Performs Evals Wit - This class evaluates string expressions and also can perform evaluations of expressions that are embedded within strings. See the readme.txt file and the demo project for more information.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=3098 

    1895. force the dropdown list of a combobox to - This demo shows how to force the dropdown list of a combobox to the full height of all the items in the list. It's quite useful for short lists where you want all items visible, such as a list of all twelve months. Unfortunately, due to the way Windows is designed, obtaining the hWnd for the ComboLBox (the listbox that drops down) is impossible without subclassing the combo. This sample uses native VB5 subclassing (see HookMe), but could easily be converted to any subclassing control.

    这个例子演示了如何定制组合框的下拉列表的高度以显示全部的元素。当使用短列表框,但又想显示所有项目时(如一年中的12个月),这一功能很有用。不幸的是,由于Windows的设计方式,不子类化组合框就没有办法获得它的下拉列表的句柄hWnd 。这个例子使用了纯VB5子类化代码(参考hookMe),但可以容易地转换为子类化其它控件。
    来源: http://www.mvps.org/vb/ 

    1896. Display, Print, and Copy to the Clipboar - This application displays the character set of any font name. In each display, the ASCII, Hex and Binary values of each character are included. You may print the list of the character set and/or print a list of code values of all characters. You may also copy a character to clipboard.
    这个程序显示了任何一种字体的字符集。在每一次显示中,都包括了每一个字符的ASCII, Hex和Binary的值。你能打印字符集的列表,和/或者打印所有字符的一列代码值。你也可将一个字符复制到剪贴板中。
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1441 

    1897. Implement MovePrevious and MoveNext in A - This class allows you to assign an array, dictionary, or collection to it and provides a MoveNext and MovePrevious method for those list objects.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=3914 

    1898. CryptoAPI Demo Version 1.7 - This is a detailed demonstration Microsoft's CryptoAPI. It shows you how to use passwords, hash algorithms, encrypting strings, and files.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=2131

    1899. Beginner's Lotto Program - All code is fully explained and commented.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1279
    Beginner's Lotto Program是一种对号码的游戏,所有的代码都具有完整的解释和注释。 

    1900. Offline/Local Search for Web Pages - Application searches local system for web pages, based on either full text or title.
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=6026 

    共有 2836 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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