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1. Java Fortune
- This is a java version of the famous fortune game from BSD. I am writing this program in java so that people can have a platform independent version of this great utility. I am also hoping to add some features and make jfortune fun to use.
Java Fortune是BSD中的一个著名的财富游戏的Java版本。我用Java来编写这一游戏,这样就可以有一个平台独立的这一软件。我也希望增加新功能,也可以使用jfortune 。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jfortune/ |
2. Phoenix PacMan
- It is an advanced PacMan Game with four types of monsters, openable walls and lot of items. it written in Java, and requires JDK 1.3
Phoenix PacMan是一个高级PacMan游戏,具有四种类型的怪物,能打开的墙和许多条目。它是用Java编写的,需要JDK 1.3
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phoenixpacman/ |
3. JEDI-SDL : Pascal headers for SDL
- Remember when you wrote your games in Pascal? Well continue that fine tradition by using JEDI-SDL! Which works with Delphi, Kylix, Free Pascal, Gnu Pascal and TMT Pascal. Cross-platform game develpment has never been easier!
记得曾经用Pascal编写游戏的经历吗?那就使用JEDI-SDL来延续这是很好的传统吧!它可以和Delphi, Kylix, Free Pascal, Gnu Pascal 和TMT Pascal一起运行。编写跨平台的游戏从来没有如此简单过!
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jedi-sdl/ |
4. Liero Sequel Project
- A sequel to the popular DOS game Liero. All the good things from Liero, with many enhancements like network play, better graphics and sound, line-based levels for realistic bouncing/sliding, and more!
Liero Sequel Project是流行的DOS游戏Liero的结局。吸收了Liero的所有优点,并提供了许多改进,如支持网络游戏,更好的图像和声音,基于线性水平的现实主义的跳跃和滑动,等等。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lierosp/ |
5. Effort: Zero Franchise Manager
- The Effort: Zero Franchise Manager is a set of PHP files designed to minimize the effort needed to create a website for a Madden 2003 PC Franchise.
Effort: Zero Franchise Manager是一套PHP文件,用于最小化为Madden 2003 PC Franchise创建Web站点所需要的工作。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ezfm/ |
6. GNE (Game Networking Engine)
- GNE, or the Game Networking Engine, will be a multithreaded, cross-platform C++ networking library with an API specifically addressing the needs of game networking.
GNE (Game Networking Engine)将成为一个多线程的,跨平台的C++网络库,带有专门支持网络游戏需要的API。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnelib/ |
7. Xbox Media Center
- XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) is a multimedia player come jukebox for Microsoft Xbox game console, it is capable of playing back almost all know video, audio and picture formats from the Xbox harddrive, Xbox DVD-ROM, from a local network or even of the internet
Xbox Media Center (XBMC) 是为Microsoft Xbox 游戏控制台提供的一个多媒体播放器,能够从Xbox 硬盘、 Xbox DVD-ROM,从本地网络或Internet来播放几乎所有已知的视频、音频和图片格式。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbmc/ |
8. NES DevKit
- NES DEV KIT is a tool to make .NES games and demos. With the Beta version this works even better now.
NES DevKit是一个制做.NES游戏和演示的工具。在这个Beta版中,它已经工作地好多了。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nesdevkit/ |
9. SDL.Net
- SDL.Net provides access to SDL and associated libraries from any .Net enabled language. It is written in C# and currently contains SDL.Net, SDL.TTF.Net and SDL.Image.Net.
SDL.Net提供了从任何支持 .NET的语言中对SDL和相关库的访问。它是用C#编写的,目前包含了 SDL.Net, SDL.TTF.Net 和SDL.Image.Net.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cs-sdl/ |
10. fxvibra
- fxvibra is a midlet that controls the vibrator in Nokia phones. It comes with a visual fire effect that reacts to the intensity of the vibrator.
fxvibra是一个小中间件,可以控制Nokia 电话中的振动器。它提供了一个可视的焰火效果,可以反应出振动器的强度。
来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/fxvibra/?topic_id=80 |
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